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Developer: Kaplan Web Development
Version: 3.25.15 report oudated
Updated: 04 February 2025
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advanced custom fields ACF frontend for element pro 3.25.15

When you build a website for a client, you want to deliver an easily manageable system. Updating website content should... read more
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When you build a website for a client, you want to deliver an easily manageable system. Updating website content should not hold your clients back. Training clients to use their sites should not hold you back. Now with ACF Frontend for Elementor you can provide high end, clear & manageable websites.


  1. No Coding Required Give the end user the best content managment experience without having to open the ACF or Elementor documentations. It’s all ready to go right here.
  2. Edit Posts Let your users edit posts from the frontend of their site without having to access the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Add Posts Let your users publish new posts from the frontend using the “new post” action
  4. Edit User Profile Allow users to edit their user data easily from the frontend.
  5. User Registration Form Allow new users to register to your site with a built in user registration form! You can even hide the WordPress dashboard from these new users.
  6. Hide Admin Area Pick and chose which users have acess to the WordPress admin area.
  7. Configure Permissions Choose who sees your form based on user role or by specific users.
  8. Modal Popup Display the form in a modal window that opens when clicking a button so that it won’t take up any space on your pages.


  1. Edit Global Options If you have global data – like header and footer data – you can create an options page using ACF and let your users edit from the frontend. (Option to add options pages without coding coming soon)
  2. Limit Submits Prevent all or specific users from submitting the form more than a number of times.
  3. User Role Field Allow users to choose a role when editing their profile or registering.
  4. Send Emails NEW! Set emails to be sent and map the ACF form data to display in the email fields such as the email address, the from address, subject, and message.
  5. Style Tab NEW! Use Elementor to style the form and as well the buttons. (Modal window styling coming soon)
  6. Multi Step Forms Make your forms more engaging by adding multiple steps.
  7. Stripe Payments (Coming soon) Accept payments through Stripe upon form submission.
  8. Woocommerce Intergration (Coming soon) Easily add Woocomerce products from the frontend. Add products to the user’s cart upon form submission.

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How to download advanced custom fields ACF frontend for element pro 3.25.15

How to install advanced custom fields ACF frontend for element pro 3.25.15

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside