
Pro Items
1 July 2024
Better Payment allows you to manage your own payment checkout page on a WordPress site with one click, without any...
Pro Items
29 April 2024
Let your customers pay with cryptocurrency – USDT, ETH, BNB or BUSD inside your WooCommerce store via MetaMask extension for...
Pro Items
17 March 2024
Selling WordPress themes, plugins or designs using WooCommerce? Paddle for WooCommerce is the best plugin you are looking at. Seamless...
Pro Items
7 March 2024
Selling WordPress themes, plugins or designs using Easy Digital Downloads? Connect with Paddle and accept one-time and recurring payments easily....
Pro Items
10 November 2023
If you are looking for an extra payment method for your WooCommerce site. Binance Pay is exactly the module you...
Pro Items
2 November 2023
Generate reliable income for your campaigns and increase the lifetime value of donors with recurring donations. Little donations add up to...
Pro Items
2 November 2023
Give your donors the ability to share a message when they donate. Charitable Donor Comments adds a comment field to...
Pro Items
2 November 2023
Give your fundraising campaign a boost by adding video. Research shows that 1/3rd of all online activity is spent watching...
Pro Items
2 November 2023
Turn your supporters into passionate ambassadors for your cause. With Charitable Ambassadors, you can use peer-to-peer fundraising to leverage your supporters’...
Pro Items
2 November 2023
Running fundraising campaigns all over the country (or world)? This is the perfect extension for you. With Charitable Geolocation, you...
Pro Items
20 October 2023
Boost your donations by 25% with Gift Aid, a tax incentive for charities in the United Kingdom If you are...
Pro Items
30 May 2023
Save on transaction costs with GoCardless, a payment gateway laser-focused on helping your donors pay through Direct Debit or bank...

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