
Pro Items
3 September 2024
Show WordPress data dynamically, where no one else can reach.
Geek Items
26 July 2024
Supercharge ACF Pro with 100+ Advanced Features
Pro Items
1 May 2023
Set up a network of sites & migrate ACF field groups between them OR use a single site as a...
Pro Items
18 March 2023
Store ACF field values in custom database tables structured to match your ACF field groups
Exclusive Items
9 November 2022
Connect with powerful Mailgun service to increase deliverability of your emails and performance of your website. Ideal for high volume...
Exclusive Items
22 August 2022
There are plenty of cases when you don’t want to send that notification right away but you don’t want to...
Exclusive Items
8 August 2022
With this amazing extension, you can send SMS notifications to any phone number without any effort. Just choose the trigger...
Exclusive Items
8 August 2022
Notification integration with AppPresser’s Push Messaging. Send Push messages to all your App users or selected ones. This extension requires...
Exclusive Items
27 May 2022
File attachments are always difficult to set up in WordPress, but not anymore! Use this plugin to attach as many...
Exclusive Items
13 May 2022
Now you can catch the selected notifications into the Review Queue to have the control over the recipients and rendered...
Exclusive Items
16 March 2022
Tired of adding custom merge tags just to get some meta values? This is the add-on for you. It works...
Exclusive Items
15 February 2022
Integration with the most popular communicator in the world. Send messages to the chosen channel about anything which happened in...

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