
Geek Items
4 March 2024
Use GamiPress points types as a payment gateway for WooCommerce
Geek Items
4 March 2024
Award discounts for achievement completion on Easy Digital Downloads
Geek Items
4 March 2024
Let users partially pay a Easy Digital Downloads purchase by using points.
Geek Items
4 March 2024
Use GamiPress points types as a payment gateway for Easy Digital Downloads
Geek Items
1 March 2024
Automatically display notifications based on pre-defined conditions.
Geek Items
1 March 2024
Send emails to your website administrators based on pre-defined conditions.
Geek Items
1 March 2024
Automatically send emails based on pre-defined conditions.
Geek Items
1 March 2024
Send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users.
Geek Items
23 February 2024
Sync achievements and user earnings with Credly
Geek Items
23 February 2024
Add time-based rewards to let your users coming back to claim them.
Geek Items
22 February 2024
Add a complete referral system to award users who refer visitors and sign ups.
Geek Items
15 February 2024
Let users withdrawal points for money based on a conversion rate

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