Simple Way To Ensure Constant Earnings Is Selling Products Under Subscription
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Teams for WooCommerce Memberships takes the memberships created by WooCommerce Memberships, and gives you the ability to sell them to teams, companies, groups, or families instead of individuals.
When selling a team product, one owner handles all billing, and can share the team access with other members they invite. Great for selling corporate training accounts, family memberships, team site access, and more!
Sell Team Access Your Way
Teams for Memberships extends your existing products to let you sell team memberships — these can be sold with per-member or per-team prices. Set a minimum and maximum seat count (optional) for the team, and you’re ready to start selling to groups!
Teams can be sold via simple or variable products, and your customers can purchase a configurable number of seats (per-member, e.g., $15 per member), or require them to purchase in blocks (per-team, e.g., $1000 for 500 seats).
Complete Tools for Managing Group Accounts
Team accounts can be purchased on your site, and the purchasing process is as seamless as any other product on your store.
Once a team has been purchased, the owner can add new members to the team right from the account area on your site by sharing a public “join” link, or sending email invites.
To help with managing team members, owners can even grant “manager” permissions to people on the team so they can help with inviting new people to the team.
The best part is the entire team is tied to one billing record, so if the owner stops paying or gets a refund, the entire set of team memberships is cancelled.
Only owners can handle purchasing, while sharing member access with anyone on the team.
Admin Tools, Too!
Not only can owners and managers add or remove members, but store admins can also manage a team. You can view a list of teams, or see a specific team in more detail. You can also change team attributes, such as the maximum seat count, or manually add or remove members from your site dashboard.
Works Great with Subscriptions
WooCommerce Memberships already works great with WooCommerce Subscriptions, and Teams for Memberships does as well. (If you need both plugins, be sure to check out the Woo Members Bundle!)
You can sell team access via simple or variable subscriptions, too. Per-member or per-team pricing can be applied to a subscription to provide recurring billing for your team. If the team owner stops or cancels a subscription, all team members will lose access as well.
How to Get Started
Ready to sell group memberships on your site? You can get going with these steps:
Technical support (demo installation, activation, etc.): We have you covered with erroneous items. Just hit Report error button below and let us know what is the issue.
Unlimited use: You can use the files on unlimited domains, thanks to GNU GPL.
Latest version available: Unlike most other sites, we update the items almost every hour. This item that you're seeing is of the latest version.
Clean files: We're super transparent about file source. We either provide original files that are downloaded from the developer or, wherever necessary, that are securely modified without injected virus, backdoor or trojan.
High-speed download: Our files are served through amazon S3 distribution, which means "blazingly fast!".
How to download WooCommerce teams for memberships 1.7.6
Subscribe for a download pack: You can start here. Please choose carefully the pack that includes the items you want. There are Lite, Pro, Geek and Exclusive items.
Come back to this page: You will see a download button besides the "Preview" button.
You can re-download the items as many times as you want as long as you have a valid active subscription.
How to install WooCommerce teams for memberships 1.7.6
After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside