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Developer: Softaculous
Version: 1.2.9 report oudated
Updated: 17 February 2025
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SpeedyCache Pro 1.2.9 Cache, Optimization, Performance

SpeedyCache Pro is a WordPress cache plugin that helps you improve performace of your WordPress site by caching, minifying, and... read more
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SpeedyCache Pro is a WordPress cache plugin that helps you improve performace of your WordPress site by caching, minifying, and compressing your website. Other than caching SpeedyCache can also do the following:- 1. It can minify and combine CSS/JS giving even better optimization as it reduces the file sizes and reduces the HTTP requests to the server. 2. Eliminate render-blocking Javascript resources helping your website to load faster. 3. Lazy load images so that the images can be requested only if they come into the viewport. 4. GZIP files to reduce the size of the file sent from the server.

Free Features

  • Caching: Storing copies of the web pages of the desktop version. Caching happens when a user visits a webpage on your website
  • Preload: Preload makes sure the user always sees the cached version of your website as it periodically creates cache.
  • Combine CSS: Combines CSS files present in the header of the page reducing HTTP requests.
  • Minify CSS: Reduces the size of the CSS files.
  • Automatic Cache: Creates cache of post when it gets deleted if preload is enabled.
  • Combine JS: Combines JS files present in the header of the page reducing HTTP requests.
  • GZIP: It applies GZIP compression on the files hence reducing the file size sent from the server.
  • Browser Caching: Caches the website on the browser of the client for repeating visitors.
  • DNS-Prefetch: DNS prefetch is a technique that improves website performance by resolving domain names in advance, before they are needed.
  • Disable Emojis: You can remove the emoji inline CSS and wp-emoji-release.min.js.
  • Exclude: You can exclude certain Pages, User-Agent, Cookies, CSS, or JS from being cached.
  • CDN: CDN helps improve website speed by placing the static files of your cached on their network of servers hence helping deliver content faster at any point in the world.
  • Display Swap: Adds display swap to Google font URL, so when Google font loads the font will stay visible this is enabled by default.
  • Purge Varnish: If enabled it will purge Varnish cache, whenever cache from SpeedyCache is purged.
  • Gravatar Cache: Host Gravatars on your server.
  • *Improve Font Rendering:** Adding CSS property of text-rendering to prioritize speed of render of Fonts.

Pro Features:-

  • Image Optimization: Image optimization is a way to convert an image to next-gen image formats like webp which load images faster on the web.
  • Instant Page: It loads the page just before user clicks the link, reducing the page load time.
  • Google Fonts: Google fonts are also seen as render-blocking so this feature helps load Google fonts asynchronously.
  • Local Google Fonts: Cache the Google fonts to be compliant with the GDPR rules.
  • Lazy Load: Loading all assets at once can make the page load slower hence lazy load helps by only loading certain resources when they come into the viewport.
  • Minify HTML: It removes empty lines, line breaks, minifies inline Js And Css, removes comments and space in Tags
  • Minify JS: Reduces JS file size.
  • Delay JS: Delays the JS to load on user interaction to reduce or remove the issue of Unused JS.
  • Advanced Combine JS: Combines JS files placed in the footer section helping reduce HTTP calls.
  • Render blocking JS: Before rendering a page the browser parses the HTML to create a DOM tree and if an external script comes it has to stop and wait for the script to execute hence the rendering of the page ends up taking time, hence Render blocking JS feature helps in deferring the load of JS after the render has happened hence the first load get faster.
  • Delete Cache Stats: Provides statistics about the cached files of Desktop or Mobile version and combined/ minified version of CSS and JS.
  • Mobile Cache: Caches the mobile version of your website and shows that version on mobile devices.
  • Database Cleanup: Database cleanup helps you free up your database storage from temporary data, trashed contents, and post revisions which may take a lot of your database storage.
  • PreConnect: Preconnect improves website loading times by establishing early connections to third-party domains.
  • Preload: Preload improves website performance by downloading resources in advance, before they are needed.
  • Critical CSS: Extracts the CSS used by the page in the visible viewport at the time of load.
  • Unused CSS: Removes the unused CSS, keeping the CSS that is being used by the paged, which reduces the size of CSS used on the page.
  • Object Cache: It makes the object to persist by using redis, to improve availability of the cache.
  • Bloat Remover: Options to remove unnecessary features of WordPress or WooCommerce.
  • Image Dimension: Adds dimensions to the image tag which does not have width or height, to reduce (CLS)Cumulative Layout Shift.
  • Lazy Render HTML: User can lazy render HTML elements which are not in view-port.
  • Preload Critical Images: Preload above-the-fold images to improve LCP(Largest Contentful paint).

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How to download SpeedyCache Pro 1.2.9 Cache, Optimization, Performance

How to install SpeedyCache Pro 1.2.9 Cache, Optimization, Performance

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside