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Developer: acowebs
Version: 5.2.2 report oudated
Updated: 23 January 2025
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woo custom product addons pro 5.2.2

A lightweight WooCommerce product addon plugin that makes adding custom fields to your WooCommerce product page simpler. With an easy-to-use... read more
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A lightweight WooCommerce product addon plugin that makes adding custom fields to your WooCommerce product page simpler. With an easy-to-use custom form builder, now you can add extra product options quickly. You can easily personalize the WooCommerce product ordering page (with custom product options or custom fields) and this extra form data submitted by customers will be shown in website backend and also will be enclosed along with the order details. How is it useful? For instance, if you need to collect more information from users (or customer want personalized products ) on your WooCommerce product pages like customer notes, collect numbers, dates, color themes, engrave texts for design services from your WooCommerce product page etc, all you need is this free plugin! (You can enable a lot more features like pricing options, upload field, conditional logic, image selector & color group, add logo, images etc – but these are available only in the premium version now.)


👉 WooCommerce extra product options plugin comes with a drag and drop form builder and supports the following form elements: 🔹 Text field – A normal text input field to collect text data. 🔹 Number field – An HTML5 number input field to accept numbers. 🔹 Radio field – For selecting one option from multiple choices. 🔹 Checkbox field – For selecting more than one option. 🔹 Select field – A drop-down to choose from the available list. 🔹 Textarea field – For input details longer than a single line. 🔹 Date field (depends on the browser) – HTML5 default date picker. 🔹 Color field (depends on the browser) – HTML5 default color picker. 🔹 Hidden field – A hidden input field for admin. 🔹 Password field – A password input text field to collect passwords. 🔹 Email field – HTML5 email field to validate correct email ID format. And apart from above, following HTML tags are also supported 🔹Paragraph (p) tag – To set instruction in product page using HTML paragraph tag which will accept basic HTML tags like anchor, bold, image etc. 🔹Header (h) tag – To set HTML header tags (h1, h2 & h3) in product the page.


Check how woocommerce product custom options are created! 🔗 Front end Demo (See how it looks in the front-end website) 🔗 Back end Demo (Feel free to play around and see how this works in back-end)


Woocommerce custom product addons premium version is supercharged with a bunch of cool features and offered at a nominal one-time cost. ➡ GET PREMIUM VERSION NOW!
👉 Custom Price Fields – Woocommerce product price fields can be set for all the fields available with the plugin. The price can be a fixed value, percentage value of the product base price or based on a custom formula. 👉 Custom Price Formula – To calculate price using a mathematical formula based on user input value, product quantity and product base price. 👉 Upload Field – To collect file from users which can be images, Videos, Documents and anything that is supported by WordPress. 👉 Drag and Drop Upload – Create drag and drop upload field for easier upload. 👉 Multi-select Field – This allows users to make multiple selections from different choices. 👉 Image Selection – helps to set custom images to choose from. Admin can add as many images in the backend in any size and it can be configured to select multiple as well as a single image. 👉 Color Group – works the similar way the checkbox and radio groups works, it can set custom color box or circle instead of the default checkbox fields and the selected item will marked with a check mark. 👉 Custom Date picker – (supports for all browsers) – Date field, date and time field are available with this plugin. Users can choose the date from the custom designed calendar also can enter the value directly. 👉 Time Picker (supports for all browsers)- Shows a list of time slots from which user can select one. 👉 Custom Color picker (supports for all browser) – The user can select the color form the custom designed color picker. The value of this field will be hex color code which admin can view along with the order. 👉 Conditional Logic – To show or hide some fields based on the value selected for other fields. 18 type of conditions are available in this plugin. 👉 Google Map Place Selector – Location selector using Google Places API for suggesting the location as user types. Also user can select a location in the map provided. 👉 Grid/Column alignment – Now you can easily align fields inline as grid/columns. 👉 Tool Tip and Help Text – Help text for each field can be set, which can be shown as either tool tip or as a text alongside the label. 👉 Products Field – Set products as custom form fields, and customers can select the product as an addon. And many more features…

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How to download woo custom product addons pro 5.2.2

How to install woo custom product addons pro 5.2.2

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside