Pro Items
Developer: Popup Maker
Version: 1.3.5 report oudated
Updated: 01 June 2020
File status: Original
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popup maker mailchimp addon 1.3.5

Adds MailChimp Integration To Popup Maker. With this extension, you can now easily and quickly add a sign up form... read more
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Adds MailChimp Integration To Popup Maker. With this extension, you can now easily and quickly add a sign up form to your popups to add users to your mailing list in MailChimp. Ever wondered how successful businesses and people can make thousands or tens of thousands of dollars the first day of a product launch? The secret that these successful businesses knows is that the key to successful launches and on-going revenue is a strong email list. A great email service is the popular and useful MailChimp. Imagine on your next launch, if you were able to tell thousands of interested people about your new product or service. Building your email list will allow you to do this. With this extension, you can now easily and quickly add a sign up form to your popups to add users to your mailing list in MailChimp. Simply add in your API Key and place the new shortcode in your popup. Then, you are ready to start collecting email addresses from your visitors! You can also choose to disable or enable double opt-in confirmation emails if needed. This extension allows you to customize all the messages shown to the user including the labels for the name and email fields, the subscribe button, all error messages, and the success message. Be sure to checkout our documentation for this extension!

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How to download popup maker mailchimp addon 1.3.5

How to install popup maker mailchimp addon 1.3.5

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside

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