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Developer: WP Ninjas
Version: 3.0.6 report oudated
Updated: 13 January 2023
File status: Original
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ninja forms webhooks addon 3.0.6

Send submission data collected by Ninja Forms to an external API/URL. Send user-submitted data to any external URL using a... read more
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Send submission data collected by Ninja Forms to an external API/URL.

Send user-submitted data to any external URL using a GET or POST request.

Do you need to integrate your form with several different web services? Maybe you’d like to subscribe a user to a Feedblitz email list, or populate a remote CRM with your user’s submitted data. The Webhooks extension allows you to send form data to a remote URL using either a GET or POST request. This makes it easy to use your form data to interact with third-party web services. These requests are sent asynchronously, so they don’t affect redirects or success messages. They don’t take the place of redirects. The extension adds a new action type to the “Emails & Actions” tab. On the settings page for the action, you simply supply the following:
  • Remote URL: The address to which data will be sent. (Can include querystrings.)
  • Remote Method: The format used to send the data, either GET or POST
  • Args: A collection of Key – Value pairs that will be sent as data.
  • Encode Args as a JSON String: Encodes the data as a JSON string before sending it.
  • Run in Debug Mode: Will show debugging information: Remote URL, data sent, and response.
Note: While we would love to be able to help Webhooks users integrate with all the services, we’re a small team, and so our support for integration is limited to making sure that we send data as its laid out in the settings. If you have questions about a particular service, or how to post to a specific service, you should contact that service’s support. Most services that accept webhooks have great API documentation to make the process as painless as possible.

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How to download ninja forms webhooks addon 3.0.6

How to install ninja forms webhooks addon 3.0.6

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside

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