Pro Items
Developer: EventOn
Version: 1.2.8 report oudated
Updated: 26 October 2024
File status: Original
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eventon seats addon 1.2.8

The Seats addon for EventON allows you to convert your event tickets into interactive, handpicked seats from a map of... read more
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The Seats addon for EventON allows you to convert your event tickets into interactive, handpicked seats from a map of seats.


With our interactive seats addon for eventON you can easily create spot-on seat map layouts that best replicate actual floor plans with features like handicap seats or reserved seats and set custom prices for each seat.

Individual Seat Price

Set price for each seat or just set price for a whole section.

Your Own Floor Plan

Easily upload your own custom underlying seat floor layout design to make the seats map look super cool.

Limited Purchase Time

Set cart idle time, with a default of 10 minutes, that will clear seats from idle cart and make the seats available for others.

Handicap Accessible

Specify seats to be handicap accessible so customers can easily find those.

Unassigned Seats

Create seat sections where users can seat anywhere or stand - with limited capacity and custom ticket prices.

Areas of Interest

Make it easy for visitors to find where everything is at using areas of interest sections.

Unlimited Seat Sections

You can create as many seat sections as you want. However big or small you want them to be.

Reserved Seats

Easily mark seats as reserved seats and save them for your special guests, so others can not book them.

Seat Legends

You can custom color default seat and seat legends help your visitors figure out what all the colored seats mean in the seat map.

Zooming & Panning

Visitors can easily zoom and pan the seat map chart and buy seats. Zooming and panning is also compatible on mobile.

Customize Colors

Easily change seat color and each section colors so your visitors can easily distinguish them.

Easy Seat Editor

Our amazing seat editor makes it super easy to create and edit seat maps to your desire.

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How to download eventon seats addon 1.2.8

How to install eventon seats addon 1.2.8

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside