Geek Items
Developer: AMPforWP
Version: 1.9.41 report oudated
Updated: 09 October 2023
File status: Original
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AMPforWP layouts 1.9.41

AMP Layouts is a revolutionary modular layout system built for AMP that makes easy to create your own AMP templates.... read more
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AMP Layouts is a revolutionary modular layout system built for AMP that makes easy to create your own AMP templates. It’s got a pre-built design for every use case with customizability options and requires no coding. Our team will be creating new designs every week and pushing them as an update, which means that you will be getting new AMP themes every other week!

Pixel Perfect Design

You can design, build and create personalized AMP pages at scale.

Pre-Built demos.

It’s got Pre-Built AMP Layouts which is custom designed for that industry. You can even mix and match between designs.

New Layout Every Week

We are planning to continuously build new designs every other week and release them as an update.


All the designs, fonts and colors are easily customizable from the options panel.

Drag & Drop Builder

It integrates well with AMP Page Builder 3.0 which allows you to have a full control on the layout without touching the code.

Google Fonts

Get all the Google Fonts available as an API library, meaning you can use any type of fonts that you wish to use.

Custom Themes Without Coding

Pick the look, arrange your content and make it your own.

Save Your Design

Save your page designs and reuse them on other pages. This can really speed up your design workflow.

Export & Import

Export any layout or import it to any other website. AMP Layouts helps you to get inspiration and share your templates with other designers.

Advanced Elements

You’ll get access to new Headers, Footers, Single, Menu and many more design elements.

450+ Icons

Choose from 450+ unique icons to make your page more visually appealing to your audience.

Mobile Friendly

It’s a mobile first design which looks great on the desktop as well on the mobile.

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How to download AMPforWP layouts 1.9.41

How to install AMPforWP layouts 1.9.41

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside