Yith Infinite Scrolling Premium
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Developer: YITHEMES
Version: 1.29.0 report oudated
Updated: 12 March 2024
File status: Original
File name: yith-infinite-scrolling-premium-1.29.0.zip

YITH infinite scrolling premium 1.29.0

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YITH Infinite Scrolling add infinite scroll to your page.

In the social network era, we have become used to scroll pages endlessly, accessing to the contents of all our contacts. Similarly, the YITH Infinite Scrolling plugin captures this idea and apply it to your online shop! It’s a very simple concept: most of your store’s lost sales are caused by two main factors: customers spend very little time surfing through your website and are often confused when they find something different than usual. This is why speeding up and simplifying the navigation through your website using a scrolling system similar to the one you find in social networks can be the right move to increase your sales! Think about it: how many times did you reach page 2 of your Google search? What if your search results kept coming for as long as you scrolling down the page, wouldn’t you keep looking at them?


The majority of the people don’t browse the different pages of the results of a search and, if it does, they often lose track of the items they are interested into, or worst, they forget the page in which they found them. Therefore, which could be a better solution than the freedom to benefit from all the contents simply scrolling down the page? In this way, you will reduce the loading times of the following pages, but users will be able to observe the results in the same moment, with a buffet of options ready to be carefully analyzed. This is why YITH Infinite Scrolling proves it is necessary: users will be able to see the results directly, even from a mobile device in which the finger scrolling is definitely more comfortable than looking for a small number to change the page. Moreover, the most demanding people can choose their own loading effect, giving that customized touch to the whole user experience. And there’s more: if combined with the YITH WooCommerce Quick View plugin, YITH Infinite Scrolling is able to create a true synergy that can both offers in a blink of an eye all the available products, and all the most important details. So for short, this plugin is the ideal tool in a time in which more and more people are surfing the web from mobile, which will increase the conversion rate from users that purchase from this kind of device and represents a solid investment in an ever growing market.


  • All features of the free version
  • Enable infinite scrolling to as many sections as you like.
  • Manage each section through its own option panel.
  • Choose pagination type among “infinite scrolling”, load more button” and “ajax pagination”.
  • For “infinite scrolling” pagination you can choose among a set of preset loader icons or upload your own.
  • For “load more” button pagination, you can set the label for the button and add one or more customisation classes.
  • Choose an animation for content loading.
  • Page url can be automatically updated every time new elements are loaded in ajax

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How to download YITH infinite scrolling premium 1.29.0

How to install YITH infinite scrolling premium 1.29.0

After click Download button above, you’ll get yith-infinite-scrolling-premium-1.29.0.zip. Normally, you have to unzip yith-infinite-scrolling-premium-1.29.0.zip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside yith-infinite-scrolling-premium-1.29.0.zip, e.g there is only one folder inside yith-infinite-scrolling-premium-1.29.0.zip.