Wp Rentals – Booking Accommodation Wordpress Theme
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Developer: annapx
Version: 3.14.1 report oudated
Updated: 18 March 2025
File status: Activated. No extra steps are needed.
File name: themeforest-wprentals-booking-accommodation-wordpress-theme-3.14.1-nulled.zip

WP rentals 3.14.1 Booking Accommodation Wordpress Theme

WP Rentals is a WordPress booking platform which allows you to publish & offer listings (properties or objects) for daily or... read more
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WP Rentals is a WordPress booking platform which allows you to publish & offer listings (properties or objects) for daily or hourly rent. You can allow users to signup and publish their own listings, while you are making a commission for each submission or for each confirmed booking.

Each listing supports: a default price per night (or per hour), a different price per night for bookings over 7 days (or custom price per hour for over 7h booking), a different price per night for bookings over 30 days (or a different price per hour for over 30h), a different price per night (or hour) for weekend days, minimum booking days (or hours), price for extra guest, cleaning and city fee (with option to calculate these by night, by guest or by guest and night), security deposit, taxes value, early bird discount in % for bookings made in advance, and more.

WP Rentals supports hourly booking OR daily booking. Check this demo for hourly booking – https://skirent.wprentals.org/ and this new demo for mixt booking: hourly or daily – https://office.wprentals.org

The theme also supports custom price for custom periods, the option to calculate booking fee by the number of guests and price per guest, and set changeover days (check-in OR check-in and check-out changeover days). All these can be easily tested using the demo account below.

Demo User Access Information

Username = user 
Password = 1234

General Features

Easy to Get Started 
Do you like the demos available? Import any demo with a few clicks and start editing it right away.

Fully Responsive & Retina ready 
The theme is ready for all phones and tablets. Offer a smooth user experience on all platforms.

WPBakery Page Builder Revolution Slider & Ultimate Addons are included 
WPBakery Page Builder gives you the tools to create a page with drag and drop, without any advanced WordPress knowledge. Ultimate Addons adds to default WPBakery Page Builder a multitude of extra shortcodes for design variety options. Revolution Slider allows you to create modern slideshows with diverse effects and video background that you can set as header media.

Powerful Theme Admin – Redux Framework 
Easily manage theme options or content from admin area. Over 250 neatly organized settings are available to build a powerful vacation rental or object rental website. The admin area is built with Redux Framework, a popular and intuitive settings management solution.

Hourly booking and Daily Booking 
Admin can enable hourly booking for all listings or let owners choose if their listings should have hourly prices or daily prices. Hourly booking allows users to rent objects or places by hour. Settings include: price per hour, custom price per hour for weekend days, custom price for hour for specific periods, minim number of hours, hours availability by listing and many more. Check https://skirent.wprentals.org/ as demo.

Object Rental (hourly or daily booking) 
Enable object rental and guest option will not be displayed in booking form. You can disable guest in submit form too. Create your custom fields, customize advanced search and build a flexible object rental platform.

Flexible Booking Options for All Users 
Let users register, submit places or objects to rent and manage their reservations or bookings from their own account.

Submission Options only for Selected Users 
If you wish, you can specify in theme options which users can submit listings on your site. This option allows you to create a single owner site easily.

Deposit Fee 
Deposit field is the value you wish to take from a user submitting the request (can be in % or fixed value) before booking is confirmed. If you take only a part to confirm the booking, the other part (remaining payment) can be paid before booking starts (but making full payment via the site is optional).

Service Fee / Admin Booking Fee 
As site admin you can set a service fee (admin booking fee) that can be a fixed amount or a % of total invoice. The fee that goes to the site administrator is deducted from owner earnings, but it is paid by the user submitting the request as part of the deposit (which, once set, will be mandatory in order for booking to be confirmed)

Booking Price Options 
For each listing you can set: default price per night, price per night if user books more than 7 days, price per night if user books more than 30 days, price per weekend night (you select what is weekend night from theme options), minimum booking days, cleaning and city fee, price for extra guest, global changeover days (check-in OR check-in and check-out days), early bird discount, security deposit, extra expenses etc.

Early Bird Discount 
You can set discount in % and the minim number of days in advance for discount to apply. The % discount applies to price per night.

Cleaning Fee 
You can select Cleaning Fee fixed value and the calculation per night, per guest or per night and guest.

City Fee 
You can select City Fee as fixed value or %, and the calculation per night, per guest or per night and guest.

Minimum Days of Booking 
The minimum number of booking days applies for any booking request. You can override this value from Price Adjustments and set custom minimum days for a custom period. Custom periods are manually set from a calendar (one custom period at a time).

Taxes Value in % 
In each listing – you can set the tax value (in %) to help owner calculate automatically the taxes he owns based on booking invoice value. This info shows in owner dashboard only and the owner is responsible for paying his taxes.

Extra price per guest or pay by the number of guests 
In each listing, you can choose to enable the option to allow extra guests (above the default guest number value) and set the price for each extra guest. The theme doesn’t limit the number of extra guests allowed. 
You can also allow paying only by guest number (instead of price per night).

Add extra options in booking form – single fee, by night, by a guest or by guest and night 
In each listing, the owner can add extra booking options – and set price as a fixed fee, by night, by a guest or by night and guest. These extra options can be edited/deleted at any time without affecting previous booking requests.

Custom Price for Custom Periods 
In each listing – Price Settings you have a calendar to manage custom price for custom periods (you select each first day and last day when you wish the custom rates). For each custom period, you can set custom price per night, custom price per night for 7n+ and for 30n+, a custom price for a weekend night, minimum days for booking, and changeover days (check-in OR check-in and check-out days).

Manage Turn Over days 
Allow only bookings starting with the check in on a specific day of the week OR allow only bookings with the check in/check out on a specific day of the week.

Week-end nights 
As admin you can confirm which are considered week-end nights: Friday, Saturday and Sunday OR Saturday and Sunday, OR Friday and Saturday.

Instant Booking or Owner Approval 
If the instant booking check is selected, then booking requests will be confirmed without owner approval (but after admin fee is paid if that is set by site admin). If the owner doesn’t wish to enable Instant Booking, all booking requests will have to be manually reviewed by him (he can reject or approve each request).

Ical Feed Sync 
The theme supports Ical feed export and import, which means you can sync your listing availability calendar with other platforms that support ical feed. You can add different feeds from different platforms.

Multi Currency Widget 
As the admin, you set one default currency for entire site price and for payments. Extra, admin can enable a multi-currency widget (can be used in the footer, header or sidebar widget area). This widget transforms the default currency to other currencies (but it is used for information purposes only). The currency widget can sync with YAHOO API to reflect currency conversion value based on real-time rates.

Header & Menu Options 
You can choose between 2 different menu design styles. As header you can select Google Maps, Properties Slider, Revolution Slider, Image or none. You can also enable transparent header for all or specific pages.

Open Street Map and Algolia API implementation 
Use Open Street Map (as alternative to Google Maps API) and Algolia Places (as alternative to Google Places auto-complete). Algolia solution works for Geocoding (Radius Search), Location search in Advanced Search, Submit form – City auto-complete field. Open Street Map applies to all locations where Maps are used: global header with Maps and all properties, half map pages, Listing submit form – location field, Single listing page. Algolia Places API is free within a limit of 1,000 requests per day and 100,000 requests per month. You can read more here https://community.algolia.com/places/pricing.html

Optimized Google Maps API implementation 
Offer your clients the possibility to search for properties on Google Maps and they can easily find results near their location (with geolocation) or in other areas. Each listing can have its own custom image pin on the map, so it’s easy for the users to spot the type of real estate listing they’re looking for. Google Maps API also offers Radius search in Half Map, Google Places auto-complete in search by location, add property location based on Google Places auto-complete in submit

The theme code for Google Maps has been optimized so that requests to the API are registered only on pages where Google Maps modules are used. We have 6 demos with Google Maps API key, thousands of visitors daily and we use the $200 monthly free credit without any extra charges.

Custom Colors 
You can change the theme colors are wish, from header to footer elements, directly from theme options.

Built-in caching system 
Speed optimization settings are built-in, such a caching queries and limit map number of pins. Build fast websites quickly.

Unlimited Sidebars 
The theme comes with a few predefined sidebars, but you can also create your own sidebars and populate them with the theme real estate dedicated widgets or other widgets, from admin options.

Translation Ready 
The theme can be translated to any language.

WPML Support 
The theme is WPML ready, which means you can create a multi-language website if you wish to use this plugin.

3rd Party Services 
WP Rentals is compatible with RentalsClub add-ons – SMS notifications & Phone verification or Payments Management. These are 3rd party modules. Read more here – https://www.rentalsclub.org/ .

Detailed Feature List:

  • Based on Bootstrap 3 framework
  • Fully responsive
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Modern, clean and intuitive design
  • Retina ready
  • Documentation included
  • Easy to customize
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Valid HTML5 markup
  • Unique CSS3 animations
  • Includes Revolution Slider, WPBakery Page Builderand Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder plugins. Plugin updates are offered through theme updates.
  • Translate the theme to any language through poedit

General theme features

  • Advanced Google Maps integration.
  • Auto-fill check/checkout/guest on listing page based on advanced search selections and show directly the total cost in booking form
  • Listing Booking Form supports the following: when sending a booking request see a notification that login is mandatory with login modal box to login/register, save booking check-in, check-out and guest values selected before login for easy booking.
  • Listing Booking form – min number of guests check (based on no of guests set in listing). If Vacation Rental is enabled.
  • Listing Booking form – disable guest dropdown if Object Rental is enabled.
  • Custom listing lightbox gallery for attached images

Google Maps Options

  • Open Street Map for single listing page
  • Ajax search on Google Maps and Half Map page template (you can use custom search fields too)
  • Google Map color customization with snazzymaps.com from admin
  • Change map pin image for each category you add. Retina Pin support included
  • Price Pin for Google Maps listings. Show price in full or in short version
  • On/Off option for Google Places Autocomplete search for City, Area and Country which applies in location search and location submit
  • Enable or disable the option to use on demand pins when moving the map, in Listing list half map and Advanced search results half map pages
  • Set max number of listings pins to show in map (for speed management).
  • Add your own custom pins for your listings categories and types
  • Auto-detect for Google Maps if https is enabled
  • Google Places show on single Listing map (to see nearby restaurants, hospitals etc)
  • YELP API integration to show points of interest around the listing
  • NEW: Turn on/off Radius search in half map page with control for radius in miles or km, initial radius, min radius and maxim radius.

Admin Options for theme Appearance

  • Create your own pages with WPBakery Page Builder / Ultimaye addons included plugin shortcodes and with the theme available shortcodes
  • Splash Page with image, image slider or video
  • Mega Menu
  • 5 types of media headers and “transparent menu” option: image header with parallax on/off, video header, google maps header, revolution slider header, listings slider header with 2 design types or no header
  • Video header option for single page header option: manage height control, full screen control, overlay color and opacity
  • Header Image options: height control, full screen control, overlay color and opacity
  • Custom colors managementt
  • Image slider for listing units in lists with yes/no display control in theme options
  • Show on/off option for the menu in user dashboard.
  • Manage global header for owner profiles in theme options
  • Yahoo multi-currency API in theme options. Applies for multi-currency widget, which admin can manage/add to any widget area
  • 2 header types with different logo alignment position
  • Header menu custom color management
  • General design options for header (header height, sticky header height, border size, border color)
  • Option to set footer 100% wide
  • Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 (with custom icons and fields) as design for Listing Unit
  • Type 1 or Type 2 as design options for listing Page layout. You can use icons and Custom Fields for listing details
  • Type 1 or Type 2 as default advanced search over header
  • NEW: Type 3 or Type 4 as custom advanced search options. Add unlimited search fields, including your custom fields – https://wpestate.org/listings-advanced-search-options-in-wp-rentals/
  • Advanced Search form position options (before or after header media, float mode over header media, sticky search option)
  • Option to show on the Listing List half map the listing cards as list or grid
  • Price and currency customization
  • Multi currency switcher
  • Read from file for multiple pins setup for fast browsing
  • Change font (with subset) from theme options
  • Custom theme slider for listings managed by admin
  • Managed / add unlimited custom details to a listing. Custom fields supported are text, date, dropdown or date fields type. They show under Listing Details, next to theme default fields
  • Assign owners to a listing as admin
  • Unlimited listing categories and types
  • Possibility to customize your city or area page with your own content
  • Add a custom header image for Cities and Areas if using the standard taxonomy page
  • NEW: Custom Icons support for a listing page, the fields that show before description area.
  • NEW: Search form position management: float mode, before header media, after media header and sticky search option.
  • NEW: Icon and field management for listing infobox (the one that shows in map). The icons fields we show by default in the listing infobox can be edited from theme options. You can choose fields from theme default fields, or custom fields you add from theme admin. Choose for each icon from a list of predefined font awesome icons .
  • NEW: Property Card type 3 with Icon and field management (the card that shows in lists). You can choose up to 4 fields to show in card type 3 (these will show on the last line). You can choose icons or text for each field label. You can choose from theme default fields or your custom fields
  • NEW: Show top bar widget area yes/no for mobile devices

Admin Options for property submission management and bookings management

  • NEW: Show property location as dropdown (you can choose to show city / area are 2 independent dropdowns that populate with categories you add from admin)
  • Enable or disable Login with Facebook, Yahoo and Google
  • Enable or disable the option for user registration to be with type password in form or with username and email
  • Enable / disable front-end listingsubmission. Registration is mandatory to send booking requests / private messages.
  • Recaptha ON/OFF for register form
  • Enable or disable the option to separate registration for users who want to book and users who want to add properties for rent with yes/no control in theme options
  • Admin can allow only specific registered subscribers to have submit options in user dashboard – which allows the theme to be used by 1 single owner too
  • Add Property Status for properties with labels names managed by admin (ex: Add “Verified” status)
  • NEW: select what fields to show in submit form from default theme fields or your own cusotm fields and features and amenities
  • NEW: select which fields are mandatory in submit form (Guest dropdown is not mandatory). If you allow properties to be added without admin approval, all mandatory fields will need to be filled in before property status changes from pending to published.
  • NEW: Select if you wish to show guest dropdown in submit
  • NEW: Select if you wish submit to be for object rental (turn label from “night” to day) or vacation rental.
  • Admin can select which are weekend days from admin – general settings (Saturday & Sunday OR Friday & Saturday OR Friday & Saturday & Sunday)
  • NEW: Manage the no of months for calendar and no of guests in dropdown from admin – theme options – general settings – appearance
  • The theme allows admin to take DEPOSIT and/or SERVICE fee (these can also be 0). Service fee the site administrator fee.
  • Deposit can be taken in % (from 0 to 100) or as fixed value. Money go to Admin account (PayPal, stripe or the wire transfer)
  • Option to Include expenses (city and cleaning fee) when calculating admin booking fee
  • Paypal and Stripe integration. WIre Transfer support exists well.
  • Membership system with control for each package with recurring option for, pro.perty submission
  • Or Pay per Listing option with extra fee to make listing featured for listing submission
  • Email Management in theme options which html support for img, br, em & strong elements. This allows admin to edit email notifications content.

Admin Options for joining Rentals Club (3rd party)

  • NEW: Connect the theme to RentalsClub Addon (3rd party service – Payment Management). Payment management works with PayPal adaptive payments. If enabled, you can send payment to owner (refund user who rents the security deposit)..
  • NEW: Option in My Profile for Paypal URL (will be used if you choose the Payment Management ADDON available only in RentalsClub – 3rd party service).

Users / Owners options for listings submission & bookings management

  • NEW: Add custom fields to each listing from Details Sections
  • Front-end listing submit form
  • Front-end listing edit form
  • Add listing to favorites list and manage remove/access them from My Favorites page in user dashboard
  • Option to Disable or Enable published listing in user dashboard – My Listings List
  • Submission form includes price per night with before and after price label.
  • Owner can set a discount price for longer periods by adding a custom price per day for 7d+ reservations or for 30d+ reservations
  • Owner can set custom price per day or period by selecting specific dates from the calendar available in Price Settings
  • Add City fee / Cleaning fee by guest OR by night OR by night and guest
  • City fee can also be set as %.
  • Listing submission form includes minim days of booking
  • Listingsubmission form includes custom price for weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday OR Friday and Saturday OR Saturday and Sunday)
  • Property submission form includes price for each extra guest
  • Property submission form includes check option to allow more guests than number of guests added in property and ask a fee for each extra guest
  • Property submission form includes check option to pay by the number of guests (and disregard property price or custom price)
  • Property submission includes option to force bookings to start check in on a specific day OR option to have check-in and check-out on a specific day
  • Instant Booking check option for each property
  • NEW: Allow each owner to add / edit / delete extra expenses for each booking: by guest, by night or by night and by guest. These show in booking form when submitting a booking request.
  • Listing submission supports Early Bird discount (in %) and the MINIM number of days before discount applies.
  • Property submission supports Security deposit value (this will be refundable only via Payment Management ADDON – from Rentals Club).
  • NEW: Allow owner to set the taxes value in submit form (in %). Taxes are considered included in the daily price. They show in Invoice Details for owner only
  • NEW: Allow owner to set the taxes value in submit form (in %). Taxes are considered included in the daily price. They show in Invoice Details for owner only
  • NEW: An email alert sent to user that remaining payment for booking is required (cron – 3 days before booking starts, or can be sent manually when owner sends the notification – ( max 3 reminders can be sent manually). Email text is managed from Email Management by admin
  • Add images for each property and re-order images in submit form with drag and drop
  • ICALENDAR multiple feed Import to sync availability calendar with other platforms that support ICAL feed. You can also do Icalendar single feed Export to other platforms
  • Owner has full control over pin position on the map which can be set by click or using the PIN ADDRESS TO MAP button
  • Block certain periods in property calendar
  • The option to cancel a booked reservation by property owner
  • User Dashboard – All in one calendar page for a global view of properties and booked dates, to set custom price, mark dates as booked
  • Search My Properties in My Properties, My Bookings, My Reservations pages from user dashboard
  • Invoices are generated by the theme when booking requests are sent/approved and can be seen in detail in My Bookings (for owner) or My Reservations (for renter)
  • Detailed invoices display in user dashboard. Print option is available
  • Internal messaging system between registered users
  • Save and Delete Favorite listings as registered user
  • Reservations & Bookings control system in user dashboard – My Bookings and My Reservations

Additional Options specific to users sending booking requests

  • Add a review for each booked listing from User Dashboard, after a booking has ended
  • Show login modal in booking form if you are not logged in and try to send a booking request or a private message to owner
  • - Save booking check-in, check-out & guest selections made on booking form on listing page before LOGIN IN / REGISTER for after user registers.
  • -Be able to send a message to owner as registered or not registered user.

Advanced Search Options

  • Advanced Search Custom Fields support for the new search types integrated – Type 3 and Type 4.
  • Custom fields allowed: – unlimited (for type 3 and 4)
  • Custom fields per row: 1,2,3 or 4 fields per row supported (for type 3 and 4)
  • Custom fields (for type 3 and 4) supported: Location. Can be input style with theme auto-complete. Can be input style with google places auto-complete. Or it can be drop-down style showing all cities, areas, countries, states, and counties from properties published in theme database
  • Custom fields (for type 3 and 4) supported: Check-in and Check-out. Always set them in pair.
  • Other custom fields supported: Guest Number, Listing Main Category and Second Category, Listing City and Property Area (as separate dropdowns, The dropdowns are NOT dependable), Listing County, Listing State – these are input style fields (they are text fields), Listing Country – this is a dropdown with all countries (a list coded in the theme). It is an independent dropdown, Baths, Bedrooms, and Rooms – 3 default fields which can be listed as input or as a drop-down. For these, you can choose to show properties with values smaller, equal to or greater than the value selected in the search.
  • Custom fields added from theme options: text, number, and dropdown can be added to advanced search custom fields as well (for search type 3 and 4)
  • Select your choice of features and amenities to display in search and these will show in search type 3 and 4 in the header, and half map filters
  • Search type 4 has 3 default fields that cannot be removed: type keyword (used for property title), listing main and 2nd category. You can add additional unlimited fields from theme options
  • Search type 1 and 2 location options can be input style with theme auto-complete, can be input style with google places auto-complete or can be drop-down style showing all cities, areas, countries, states, and counties from properties published in theme database
  • Search type 1 and 2 come with default search fields

Other options

  • WPML Multi-language support for multilanguage sites. Please note that WPML is a plugin that implies you translate everything manually, from admin area, including bookings, messages.
  • WEGLOT Multi-language support for multilanguage sites
  • New: Launch of RentalsClub Extensions for Wp Rentals (3rd party software). Extension: SMS Notifications via Twilio and Payments Management. Check http://www.rentalsclub.org/ for more info
  • And many more…

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Fatal error: Cannot declare class Google_Model, because the name is already in use in /var/www/vhosts/website.page/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wprentals-core/resources/src/service/Google_Model.php on line 25
Wednesday, Sep 28th

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How to download WP rentals 3.14.1 Booking Accommodation Wordpress Theme

How to install WP rentals 3.14.1 Booking Accommodation Wordpress Theme

After click Download button above, you’ll get themeforest-wprentals-booking-accommodation-wordpress-theme-3.14.1-nulled.zip. Normally, you have to unzip themeforest-wprentals-booking-accommodation-wordpress-theme-3.14.1-nulled.zip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside themeforest-wprentals-booking-accommodation-wordpress-theme-3.14.1-nulled.zip, e.g there is only one folder inside themeforest-wprentals-booking-accommodation-wordpress-theme-3.14.1-nulled.zip.