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Developer: Studio 164a
Version: 1.1.1 report oudated
Updated: 02 February 2023
File status: Original
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WP charitable automation connect addon 1.1.1

Connect Charitable to your favourite apps by creating automatic workflows with automation platforms like Zapier, Zoho Flow, Integromat or read more
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Connect Charitable to your favourite apps by creating automatic workflows with automation platforms like Zapier, Zoho Flow, Integromat or

Connect Zapier and integrate with 3000+ apps

Zapier is the world’s most popular automation platform and integrates with thousands of other apps. Here’s a small sample of what you can achieve:
  • Send your donation data to CRMs like Salesforce.
  • Add donors or campaign creators to email marketing tools like Drip or Sendinblue.
  • Add donation data to your accounting package, like Freshbooks or Quickbooks.
  • Add a message in Slack anytime a new peer-to-peer fundraiser is created with Charitable Ambassadors.

Create webhook subscriptions to connect Charitable to other automation platforms

Zapier is great, but what if you have another automation platform you prefer? We carefully designed Automation Connect to work with other automation platforms, so you don’t need to be locked into a platform that isn’t right for your non-profit. You can easily add an integration with the automation platform of your choice by creating a new webhook subscription. We’ve tested Automation Connect with the following automation platforms:
  • Zoho Flow
  • Integromat
Don’t see your favourite automation platform listed? As long as it supports incoming webhooks, chances are it will work with Charitable Automation Connect.

Does Automation Connect work with other Charitable extensions?

Automation Connect integrates seamlessly with other Charitable extensions. Plugins like Ambassadors, Recurring Donations, Fee Relief, Anonymous Donations, Gift Aid and Newsletter Connect add additional information to the data sent by Automation Connect, so you can tailor your automated workflows to work just the way you need.

Which events are tracked by Automation Connect?

Automation Connect supports events for donations, recurring donations and campaigns. Donation events:
  • When a donation is created.
  • When a donation is updated.
  • When a donation is moved to the trash.
  • When a donation is restored from the trash.
Recurring Donation events:
  • When a recurring donation is created.
  • When a recurring donation is updated.
  • When a recurring donation is moved to the trash.
  • When a recurring donation is restored from the trash.
Campaign events:
  • When a campaign is created.
  • When a campaign is updated.
  • When a campaign ends.
  • When a campaign is moved to the trash.
  • When a campaign is restored from the trash.

What information does Charitable send for events?

The information sent by Charitable varies based on the type of resource (i.e. donation, recurring donation or campaign) and according to which other extensions you are using. You’ll find a detailed table breaking down what data is sent by Automation Connect for each type of resource, as well as showing when it’s available.

Get started with Automation Connect

You’ll find everything you need to get started with Automation Connect in our detailed setup guide. It covers everything you need to know to start creating automated workflows powered by Charitable and your automation platform.

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How to download WP charitable automation connect addon 1.1.1

How to install WP charitable automation connect addon 1.1.1

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside