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Developer: wclovers
Version: 6.7.5 report oudated
Updated: 28 February 2024
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WooCommerce frontend manager ultimate 6.7.5

Enhance your Front-end Manager to the next level. read more
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WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate is the smartest woocommerce frontend vendor store/shop manager. Experience the best ever WooCommerce Frontend Product Manager. Most featured Vendor Dashboard for DokanWC MarketplaceWC VendorsWooCommerce Product Vendors – most popular woocommerce multi vendor marketplace plugins. Along with WooCommerce BookingsWooCommerce AppointmentsWooCommerce Rental & Bookings SystemWooCommerce Subscription, ACF and Listings – WP Job Manager compatibility. Knowledgebase, Notification, Direct Messaging and PDF Invoice are some of the many colorful feathers of the wings.
You are going to experience a long list exclusive plugin compatibility and most interestingly all this will even work for your multi-vendor store as well. None of these plugins or any of the multi-vendor plugins has support of these. Just relax, WCFM Ultimate will going to do all these for you.


WCFM Ultimate will going to make your product manager most powerful and feature enhanced front-end product editor ever. Let’s check advance features list –
  1. Supported Product Types –
    • Accommodation
    • Appointment
    • Auction
    • Event
    • Rental
    • Lottery
    • Tickets
    • Bookings
    • Subscriptions
    • Listings
    • Voucher
  2. Product CSV Import
  3. Bulk Stock Manager
  4. Quick edit & Bulk edit
  5. Featured & Duplicate Product
  6. Product custom fields
  7. Product fields validation
  8. Product Limit & Allowed Category capability
Besides all these you also have some advanced features –
  1. Customer-Vendor Live Chat
  2. Support Ticket
  3. Store Invoice, Commission Invoice & Packing Slip
  4. Shipment Tracking
  5. Vendor Verification
  6. Following – Followers
  7. Vendor Badges
  8. Vacation Mode


WCFM Ultimate will going to offer you some exclusive plugin compatibility which will help you to setup your store more easily and elegantly, off course from live site front-end.
  1. WC Product Addons
  2. Toolset Types
    • Custom product fields
    • Custom taxonomies
    • Additional profile fields
    • Advanced settings fields (only for Product Vendors users)
    • Product type wise field group visibility controller
  3. ACF Compatible
  4. Google Map (Geo my WP compatible) & Address Geocoder
  5. WooCommerce Per Product Shipping compatible
  6. WC Simple Auctions
    • Auctions Dashboard
  1. RnB – WooCommerce Rental & Bookings System
    • Booking Calendar
    • Request for a Quote
  2. WooCommerce Appointments
    • Calendar view
    • Staff manager
    • Manual appointment
  3. YiTH Auctions Premium
    • Auctions dashboard
  4. WP Job Manager (Listings)


WCFM Ultimate will going to offer you some exclusive features which you will have no where –
  1. Support Tick Module – each vendor will have their own store wise tickets
  2. Bulk Stock Manager – now manage your all products stock at a single click
  3. Shipping Tracking
  4. Message Board – even work as vendor-admin chat board
  5. WCFM – WPML integration – create translated product live from site front-end
  6. Products for Listings – now create products and listings at the same time
  7. Vendor Verification – Verify your vendors
  8. Custom Badges – Create and assign any custom badges to your vendors


  1. Store wise invoice to customer
  2. Order PDF invoice download (Admin & Vendor)
  3. PDF packing slip download
  4. Shipment Tracking
  5. Mark order as Shipped (by Vendor)
  6. Order status update
  7. Filter orders by date and commission status
  8. Order Note manage
  9. Orders export as PDF, Excel and print


  1. Booking Calendar
  2. Availability rules manage
  3. Pricing rules manage
  4. Person types
  5. Resource manage
  6. Manual Booking
  7. Manage bookings & mark as confirmed


  1. Sales report by product
  2. Coupon usage
  3. Low stock product
  4. Order filter by date and commission status
  5. Export as CSV
  6. Custom date filter

Miscellaneous Options

  1. Direct messaging system
  2. Vacation Mode
  3. Product wise commission manage
  4. Screen Manager
  5. Coupon usage and user limit manage
  6. Product, Order, Bookings filter by status
  7. Product, Coupon, Order delete
  8. Product catalog mode
  9. Product Quick manager
  10. Advanced Capability Controller –
    • Product Limit
    • Gallery Limit
    • Category Limit
    • Category Restriction
    • Settings and Profile section controllers
Just to mention, if you want more complex product types like – Bundle Products, Composite Products, Chained Products then additionally you all have to WCFM – Product HUB.

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How to download WooCommerce frontend manager ultimate 6.7.5

How to install WooCommerce frontend manager ultimate 6.7.5

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside