Stocky A Stock Photography Marketplace Theme
Pro Items
Developer: designcrumbs
Version: 2.2 report oudated
Updated: 22 March 2023
File status: Original
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stocky 2.2 A Stock Photography Marketplace Theme

Built on WordPress and Easy Digital Downloads, Stocky allows you to sell your photos just the same as any giant online... read more
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Built on WordPress and Easy Digital Downloads, Stocky allows you to sell your photos just the same as any giant online marketplace. Not only can you sell your products, but with the available extensions in the Marketplace Bundle you can allow anybody to upload their photos and sell through your site.

Out of the box along with the free Easy Digital Downloads plugin, your site can run as a stand-alone ecommerce site. But in conjunction with the available paid extensions in the Marketplace Bundle you can allow anybody to upload their photos and sell through your site; Turning your site into a full blown marketplace.

Demo It

To see an example of the vendor capabilities, open this page and use the following login credentials:

Username: Demo
Password: demo123

Convert Adobe Lightroom Keywords to WordPress Tags

While it’s still in Beta, you can download our Lightroom Keywords to Download Tags plugin. Once activated and you can find the settings under Downloads > Settings > Extensions.

This plugin will extract the Adobe Lightroom keywords from your featured images and use them as archival tags in your WordPress install.

Note: this plugin requires use of the getimagesize() PHP function, which is disabled by a few hosts. Check with your host for more info.

Dedicated Pages

Stocky includes page templates for some of your more important pages. Nothing special you need to do other than set them under your Page Templates.

  • Home – You need an awesome home page to get your customer’s attention right? Well here it is.
  • Vendor Portfolio – Vendor pages display all of that vendor’s items along with the vendor’s avatar, name, member information and biography, as well a contact form for your customers to contact the user directly. For use with Frontend Submissions.
  • Login / Register – Login and Register pages in Stocky don’t need distractions. Just a form and a giant background image that you set in your theme options.
  • Contact – Do you have a physical location or phone number that your customers can contact you at? This template gets that information front and center.

Stocky Features

  • Upload any image for the background of your header, login, and registration pages
    • New in Version 1.2 – Custom header images for Vendors.
  • Optionally display EXIF data for all of your images
  • Color picker tools for your links, buttons
  • oEmbed videos can replace the featured image option. New in Version 1.1 – See it in action here.
  • Multiple images on one item? No problem! Simply upload your product images to their post and Stocky will automatically generate a gallery on that product’s page. No shortcodes or plugins needed. It’s pretty awesome.
  • Translation file included! ? Use Stocky in any language
  • Fully responsive
  • Retina/Hi-Def display ready
  • Easy Digital Downloads tested and developer approved  :nerdy:
  • Styled for Gravity Forms
  • Works with the Download Image Watermarks extension
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, and a lot of Love.
  • Custom Recent Products and Featured User widgets
  • Social Media Icons
  • Easy setup with easy to follow instructions

Extend Your Marketplace

The Marketplace Bundle

The following extensions have specific styling in Stocky and can be seen in the demo. They can be purchased individually or in the Marketplace Bundle

  • Frontend Submissions allows users to register and sell their products on your site.
  • Commissions pays your Vendors. You make money, they make money.
  • Reviews allows your customers to leave a review along with a star rating on your products.
  • EDD Wish Lists lets your customers create wish lists and check out with ease.

Again, the demo has the above plugins installed. Their functionality is not included in the theme itself.

Other Recommended Plugins

These are not part of the Marketplace Bundle, but will do wonders for your site!

  • Relevanssi extends the default WordPress search functionality to search Download Tags and Categories. This is a free plugin.
  • Download Image Watermark automatically puts watermarks on your download page sample images.

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How to download stocky 2.2 A Stock Photography Marketplace Theme

How to install stocky 2.2 A Stock Photography Marketplace Theme

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside