Premium Seo Pack – Wordpress Seo Plugin
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Developer: AA-Team
Version: 3.3.2 report oudated
Updated: 23 November 2021
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premium SEO pack 3.3.2 Wordpress Seo Plugin

Ultimate tool for optimizing your website read more
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Premium SEO Pack’s powerful SERP Rank Tracking Module retrieves search engine Rankings for pages and keywords, and stores them for easy comparison later.

It’s so easy to add keywords to the tracking module, simply select them from your focus keywords or add them manually! Also, you can track up to 5 competitors!

Also, we have another module added, it’s Website Statistics! You can compare your website evolution between 2 dates, and choose to include competitors as well (or not).

The first stat is your Website Score for the Keywords entered for a certain search engine (let’s say and it’s based on an algorithm that finds your website pages and keywords that are in top 100.

Next is the keywords rankings summary – this one shows if on your website, your ranking moved up or down and if your keywords are in top 1,3,5,10,30,50 or 100.

The last stats are for the keywords, too see their evolution, when they were last checked, and each keyword’s position on google searches.

Last but not the least is the Report Module. There are 2 types of reports. One for Website Stats and one for Keyword Rank Changes.

Both reports can be viewed in the admin area, downloaded as PDF’s or sent by e-mail.

In Version 2.3 of Premium SEO Pack we’ve dramatically improved the Google Analytics Module & the Pagespeed Insights as well.

Starting from the interface design, to the functionality - we’ve also added Easy Setup for both of them!

The Google Analytics module how has an easy setup wizard, where you simply connect your analytics account with Premium SEO Pack plugin. There’s no longer mandatory to create your own application on google console & all the fuss.

The Pagespeed Module also comes with a working key now, you can use it straight away!

The NEW Google Analytics Interface

Using the new Google Analytics Interface, you will see real time statistics and how your website is performing right now.

Audience Chart

Here you can see a graph consisting of:

  • Page Views
  • New Visits
  • Unique Page Views
  • Visit Bounce Rate

You can also filter the date from when to display the infos.

Top Channels – The Top Channel Pie Chart will show you the traffic that comes to your website trough certain channels.

  • Referral
  • Organic Search
  • Direct
  • Social
  • Email
  • Affiliates

Top Pages / Posts Here you can filter to show Page or Page title, and for each page to see how many hits it had and:

  • Pageviews
  • Unique Pageviews
  • Avg. Time on Page
  • Entrances
  • Bounce Rate
  • % Exit
  • Page Value

TOP Referral Traffic On the top referral traffic you can see exactly from where the traffic came from. You also have a world map where you can check out your top locations traffic sources.

One of Premium SEO Pack’s Newest features is the possibility to add multiple focus keywords on your post in order to better optimize it!

When searching google people usually use as keywords words that are slightly similar or synonyms. If you want to rank a post for multiple focus keywords, now you have this possibility using the Premium SEO Pack.

It’s now super easy to add multiple focus keywords and optimize your text. You can add a maximum of 10 different focus keywords.

Tips On Targeting Multiple Focus Keywords

  • Secondary keywords must be researched (just like your primary)
  • Secondary keywords must have same search intent as the primary keyword
  • Craft your headline, SEO title, meta description to read well and include keywords

We’ve added the score / focus keyword & meta title in the posts list and in the wordpress publish meta box, so you can easily see the score and the keywords.


Using our newest module called Minify you can easily optimize your website performance & frontend load time.

How does it work?

  • Easily Minify CSS & JS files on a single button click.
  • Cache files
  • Download remote files – enable this option if you have your server under htaccess password protection
  • Exclude files option – if you wish to exclude js / css files, you can easily do so (header styles, header scripts, footer scripts)

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How to download premium SEO pack 3.3.2 Wordpress Seo Plugin

How to install premium SEO pack 3.3.2 Wordpress Seo Plugin

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside