Pro Items
Developer: PoweredCache
Version: 2.0.1 report oudated
Updated: 30 August 2021
File status: Original
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powered cache premium 2.0.1 Caching and Optimization for WordPress

Lightning fast WordPress within a minute read more
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Powered Cache is a comprehensive caching and optimization plugin for WordPress. It dramatically boosts site performance that correlating to higher conversions and SEO.

Lightning Fast

PoweredCache dramatically boosts site performance and helps to get better PageSpeed and web vitals results. It’s trusted by mission-critical enterprise grade websites.

Simple Configuration

You can get your configuration done in a minute, you can also easily import existing configuration.

Object Caching

Speedup dynamic pageviews. It supports Redis, Memcached, Memcache and APCu.

Page Cache Rule Management

Need advanced caching configurations? Got it covered under advanced options.

File Optimization

Easily minify and combine CSS, JS files.

Database Optimization

Keep redundant data away from your database.

CDN integration

Integrate your website with CDN, you just need to enter CNAME(s) and corresponding zones.

Cache Preloading

Creating cached pages in advance. This feature will keep caching layer warm.

Media Optimization

Enable Lazy Load, control WordPress embeds, remove emoji scripts.

Combine Google Fonts

Combine Google Fonts URLs into a single URL and optimize the font loading.

Built-in Extensions

Unlock more features without installing a new plugin or worrying about compatibility.


WP-CLI commands are ready to save your time. Manage caching like a pro.

Multisite Compatible

You can activate network-wide or site basis on a multisite network. It’s compatible with domain mapping too.

Compatible with 3rd party plugins

Powered Cache gets along with popular 3rd plugins which include cookie laws plugins, popular e-commerce plugins, SEO plugins

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How to download powered cache premium 2.0.1 Caching and Optimization for WordPress

How to install powered cache premium 2.0.1 Caching and Optimization for WordPress

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside