Phpsocial – Social Network Platform
Pro Items
Developer: Pricop
Version: 7.0.0 report oudated
Updated: 14 January 2022
File status: Original
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phpsocial 7.0.0 Social Network Platform

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phpSocial is a Social Network Platform similar with Facebook, allowing users to interact with each other by live chatting, sending messages, comments, like, share photos, life events and so much more. User Demo: User Demo (emailing feature is disabled) Admin Demo: Admin Panel

User Features

NEWS FEED – The News Feed page keeps you up to date with the latest status updates of your friends, birthdays and activities, shows friends suggestions and more. PROFILES – The Profile page features cover and profile images, information about the user, friends list, liked messages, visited locations as well as the user’s timeline. GROUPS – With Groups you can create and manage communities, stay in touch with the members, share statuses, get notifications when something is posted. PAGES – With pages you can create pages to promote your brand, community, company, etc. as well as keeping your fan base up to date with your activity. MESSAGES – Share your life moments, photos, music, videos, movies, places, visited locations, with the public, your friends or privately. LIVE CHAT – Communicate with your friends in real-time with our multi-windows chat, share your thoughts, photos, emojis, take camera shots and more. SEARCH – Instant search allows searching for People, #Hashtags, @Pages and !Groups, the results can be filtered using various parameters to match your needs. NOTIFICATIONS – The advanced notifications system keeps you up to date with the activity of your friends, get notified on Likes, Comments, Shares, Group Invites, and more. CONNECT – Your users can easily register and log-in on your website with a simplified registered form. Facebook integration also allows to quickly connect with just two clicks.

Admin Features

DASHBOARD – The Dashboard shows quick statistics about the evolution of the current day along with graphs of the last 7 days, site information and more. SITE SETTINGS – Completele website control with tons of options such as captcha, word banning, emoticons, accounts per ip, dynamic timestamps, user settings and more. THEMES – The built-in theme system allows to switch between themes in an instant, changing your website appearance to a fresh new look. PLUGINS – The built-in plugins system allows to add new functionality to your website in order to offer a better experience for your users. LANGUAGES – The built-in language system allows your user to feel at home by providing a quick way to switch between multiple languages. MANAGE USERS – Manage your users, view and change general account information, verify, delete or suspend users, everything with a few clicks. MANAGE GROUPS – Manage the groups created by users, view the number of members in a group, change general group settings or delete them. MANAGE PAGES – Manage the pages created by users, view the number of likes and the page admin, change general pages settings, verify or delete them. MANAGE REPORTS – Manage the reported messages or comments with ease, get summary statistics, view the reported content and take appropriate actions. SITE STATISTICS – Get insight statistics of your website activity such as registered users, posted messages, comments, likes, shares and groups created. ADVERTISEMENT – The predefined advertisement spots allows you to easily insert your 3rd party ad-unit code in various locations on your website.

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How to download phpsocial 7.0.0 Social Network Platform

How to install phpsocial 7.0.0 Social Network Platform

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside