Oxy – Multi-Purpose Responsive Woocommerce Theme
Pro Items
Developer: smartdatasoft
Version: 3.6 report oudated
Updated: 07 September 2018
File status: Original
File name: themeforest-oxy-the-theme-multipurpose-responsive-woocommerce-theme-3.6.zip

oxy 3.6 Multi-Purpose Responsive Woocommerce Theme

Modern and fully responsive Wordpress theme for any type of store read more
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OXY is a modern and fully responsive WordPress theme for any type of store, inspired by the best eCommerce solutions and designed with usability in mind.


Now you can create a fully functional store on WordPress!


OXY is built on Foundation Framework by Zurb which is currently known as the most powerful responsive framework.


You can change everything! The Most Powerful Theme Admin Panel with 600+ useful features, options and settings allows you to do extreme customizationswithout knowing any HTML or CSS.


OXY is the right solution for your online business. Your store will look amazing and will be loved by your customers!

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How to download oxy 3.6 Multi-Purpose Responsive Woocommerce Theme

How to install oxy 3.6 Multi-Purpose Responsive Woocommerce Theme

After click Download button above, you’ll get themeforest-oxy-the-theme-multipurpose-responsive-woocommerce-theme-3.6.zip. Normally, you have to unzip themeforest-oxy-the-theme-multipurpose-responsive-woocommerce-theme-3.6.zip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside themeforest-oxy-the-theme-multipurpose-responsive-woocommerce-theme-3.6.zip, e.g there is only one folder inside themeforest-oxy-the-theme-multipurpose-responsive-woocommerce-theme-3.6.zip.