Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin is a premium list building plugin that adds subscription form with push/sliding animation effect and clean design on your WordPress website or blog. It’s simple-to-use yet powerful tool with a lot of opening patterns and analytics available. With this product you can easily increase the number of your subscribers rocketing your traffic this way!
Plugin improves old UX patterns being used for ages. People are tired of intrusive and irritating pop-ups. Which is common cause of reduced desire to subscribe. With Ninja Kick: Subscription WordPress Plugin your visitors are still attracted to opt-in form but in non obstructive and elegant way. There is no need to search for close button anymore. And website content is visible and does not overlap.
It’s third plugin for series and it uses all proven techniques of its siblings from Ninja Kick Series. By the way they are all compatible and can work along with each other. Plugin makes use of modern CSS3 transitions, has layout responsive to screen size changes, works well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures.
Mailing services supported: