Pro Items
Developer: MainWP
Version: 5.0.6 report oudated
Updated: 11 January 2025
File status: Original
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mainWP pro reports extension 5.0.6

The MainWP Pro Reports extension is a fully customizable reporting engine that allows you to create the type of report... read more
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The MainWP Pro Reports extension is a fully customizable reporting engine that allows you to create the type of report you are proud to send to your clients.

Professional Reports for your Clients

The MainWP Pro Reports extension combines the power of the free MainWP Child Reports plugin with a fully customizable reporting engine to allow you to create the type of report you are proud to send to your clients. The MainWP Child Reports plugin will track and monitor every change made on your child site, and then the Pro Reports Extension will gather that information and convert it to a PDF Report you can show your clients. We also took into account that you may not want your clients to see the plugin records everything, so the Extension gives you the option to hide the MainWP Child plugin screens while still allowing it to gather the data.

Design Your Reports

The Pro Reports Extension uses PHP templates that allow you to design and create professional reports with the information you want to show to your clients. You can show as little or as much information in the report as you want. You can make your reports as detailed or as essential as you want. You can add your text and images to each report to customize the report for each client. You can even change the report layout for each client and then save that layout for future use. The Pro Reports Extension also provides you the ability to add custom content, including contact info, images, additional text, or any other content you want to include in your report. Once your report ready, you can email it directly to your client from your MainWP Dashboard.
  • Generate professional reports in seconds
  • Pre-made professional templates to get you started
  • Send PDF reports automatically attached to the email
  • Quickly include/exclude certain content from reports
  • Highly customizable templates system
  • Set custom branding for reports
  • Can be run simultaneously with the original Client Reports Extension

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How to download mainWP pro reports extension 5.0.6

How to install mainWP pro reports extension 5.0.6

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside