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Developer: Learndash
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Updated: 04 June 2023
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learndash zapier integration

Zapier is a service that makes it easy for you to connect two applications without the need to know code,... read more
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Zapier is a service that makes it easy for you to connect two applications without the need to know code, currently with a library of over 300 applications. Zapier calls these connections “Zaps”, and this integration lets you create Zaps that include LearnDash activities.

Add-On Features

Perform actions in over 300 applications based on seven specific LearnDash activities: Trigger actions in other applications when someone enrolls into a course, completes a course, completes a lesson, completes a topic, passes a quiz, fails a quiz, or completes a quiz. Supports both global and specific LearnDash activity: Perform an action based on a global event (i.e. every time a quiz is passed), or set up a specific trigger (i.e. when a certain quiz is passed). Easily connect LearnDash to the popular Zapier program without code: Simply add a new LearnDash trigger in your WordPress admin dashboard and the integration communicates the necessary information with Zapier.

Example Use Cases

  • Add a user to an email list (MailChimp, aWeber, etc.) as soon as they enroll into a course
  • Add a user to an email list when they finish a course (great for cross-promotion!)
  • Track all failed quiz attempts for a specific course in a Google Doc
  • Generate a help desk ticket (HelpScout) when someone fails a quiz
  • Add users to the CRM platform of your choice (Salesforce, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, etc.) when they enroll into a course
  • Send a notification (email or SMS) when someone enrolls into a course
  • Generate an invoice (Freshbooks, Xero, etc.) when a course is complete
  • Post to Twitter or Facebook when someone completes a lesson

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How to download learndash zapier integration

How to install learndash zapier integration

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside