Theme Features
- Highly Customizable
- Extensive Admin Interface
- Simple One-Click Import of Demo Content
- No coding knowledge required
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Extensive control of typography
- Powerful post layout options
- 7 post layout shortcodes
- 4 post block shortcodes
- Classic Slider shortcode for displaying blog posts and articles
- Thumbnail Slider shortcode for displaying blog posts and articles
- Carousel shortcode for displaying blog posts and articles
- Swipe Carousel shortcode for displaying blog posts and articles
- Sticky header with 2 behavior types
- Styling options for elements
- Fully responsive
- Retina Ready
- Unlimited layout combinations
- 6 homepage examples
- Additional page collection
- Section Title shortcode
- Breaking News widget
- Date Widget
- Social Icons widget
- Weather widget
- Instagram feed widget
- Twitter feed widget
- Image widget
- Multiple post layout widgets
- Choose a different layout for each category page
- Choose a different sidebar for each category page
- Choose a pagination type for each category page
- 3 pagination types
- Horizontal Navigation pagination
- Load More pagination
- Infinite Scroll
- Extremely customizable single posts
- Sticky Sidebar
- Optional multiple sidebars on one page
- Optional separate logo for Mobile Header
- Separate styling options for mobile header
- Optional separate logo for Fixed header
- Header Top and Header Bottom Widget Areas
- Customizable Mega Menu
- Anchor functionality for One Page sites
- Video and image backgrounds in sections
- Visual Composer page builder for Wordpress included (34$ value)
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin ($19 value)
- Customizable Google Maps
- Choose between 4 font icon sets
- Social Share functionality
- AccessPress Social Counter Integration
- Custom theme style for AccessPress Social Counter
- Customizable Footer Layout – up to 4 columns
- Separate Footer Bottom area
- “Back to top” button functionality
- Smooth Scroll
- Child Theme Ready
- Custom Widget Areas
- Translation ready
- WPML Multilingual plugin integration
- WooCommerce Integration
- Contact Form 7 Integration