Adds a Gravity Forms block to the Gutenberg post editor.
Conditional Logic
Each Gravity Forms block can have conditional logic applied to it that control if the block is shown or hidden. Block conditional logic works like all Gravity Forms conditional logic, allowing you to create multiple rules and only having the logic apply if all or any of the rules pass. Conditional logic paired with Gutenberg’s reusable blocks feature makes it simple to create one form block and use it throughout your site without having to duplicate the settings every time.
When pasting a legacy Gravity Forms shortcode into a Gutenberg paragraph block, the shortcode will instantly be converted into a Gravity Forms block with all settings intact. As you make changes to the block’s settings, an updated legacy Gravity Forms shortcode will be generated so the form will still show if you disable the Gutenberg plugin. Conditional logic will not be applied if the Gutenberg plugin is disabled.