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Developer: WPExpertsw
Version: 2.1 report oudated
Updated: 08 March 2023
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Gravity Forms Booking Premium 2.1

Create an Online Booking & Scheduling System With Gravity Forms Bookings read more
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Gravity Bookings works perfectly for any business that relies on an appointment calendar. Manage your client appointments within Gravity Forms using Google Calendar.

Main Features

No more missed appointments or complaints from customers.

Pricing and Appointment Policies

Both the administration and the staff have access to the pricing policy. Staff can also change the status of accepted, canceled, and visited.

Full day Appointment

Admins can now schedule appointments for the entire day. Assistive and worldwide appointments are offered.

Calendar Colors Display Tab

Calendar Gradient for the background where admins can modify the color of the calendar text.

Easy Installation & Configuration

Gravity Bookings is easy to install and configure in a WordPress based website.

Customize Your Booking Form

Give the booking form a look that best suits your business’s identity.

Easily Extract Data

All types of appointment data can be exported in CSV & PDF file format.

Display Service Category

Customers can select any ‘service category’ for an appointment from the list of services.

Multiple Payment Methods

Display multiple payment gateway options for your customers.

Calendar or List View

Booked Appointments can be seen in a calendar or list view.

Mark Holidays & Days-off

Holidays or days-off can be marked to alert customers about the business or staff members.

Email Alerts & Notifications

Send an email notification to the client once the appointment has been confirmed.

Unlimited Booking Rules

Add unlimited booking rules, including staff count, services categories, and their time slots.

Multi-Step Forms

Gravity Bookings premium plugin has multi-step forms functionality as well. Admin can display appointment booking forms for clients in steps format.

Mobile Responsive

Gravity Bookings plugin is 100% mobile responsive. Clients can manage their appointment booking, using mobile phones and tablets.

RTL Text Functionality

Gravity Bookings supports RTL (Right-to-Left) text functionality too. Clients that use RTL languages can also book their appointment easily.

Gravity Forms Preview Compatibility

Gravity Bookings plugin is compatible with Gravity Forms Preview Addon. Clients can preview their forms live before submission.

Add-To-My-Calendar Button

Give your users the power to add their appointment details to Google Calendar instantly.

One-Way Sync With Google Calendar

Synchronize your appointments on Gravity Forms Bookings with Google Calendar to add new information and stay updated.

Create Global Services Booking Forms

Create booking forms for global service-based businesses.

Managing Time Zones for Employees

Set and manage time zones for employees (local and global).

Display Multiple Dates For Holidays

Display multiple dates across the calendar to show on and off time during holidays.

Book Auto-Time Slot for Customers

Define a start and end time to auto-generate booking slots for your event.

Smart Break Scheduler

Schedule breaks by adding them to any space available in the calendar.

Multiple Bookings In One Slot

Users have the option to book multiple time slots simultaneously.

Conditional Logic

It allows you to create rules to display or hide the field based on other fields' specific values.

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How to download Gravity Forms Booking Premium 2.1

How to install Gravity Forms Booking Premium 2.1

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside

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