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Developer: CodeRockz
Version: 1.4.50 report oudated
Updated: 30 November 2024
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Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce Pro 1.4.50

Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce Pro is a WooCommerce plugin extension that gives the facility of selecting delivery/pickup date... read more
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Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce Pro is a WooCommerce plugin extension that gives the facility of selecting delivery/pickup date and time at order checkout page. If want, store admin can create a list of pickup location for customers and if any customer want to take his/her order products from a selected pickup location. Also customers can give special instructions about his/her order via the plugin. The Store admin can also control the delivery/pickup date, time from the individual order page. Store admin can change the delivery/pickup date and time if needed and can also notify the user via email. It’s fairly easy to set up the plugin that you don’t have to take any hassle. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about the styling because the plugin compatible with your theme styling.


Time Zone Based Delivery Information: Delivery information like date, time set based on the selected timezone. Advance Settings Option for Date & Time: You can enable or disable the date and time field in the checkout page. Also, you can make them mandatory or optional. You can choose your desired date or time format. The weekend option is also available. You can also control maximum delivery/pickup per day or maximum (delivery+ pickup) per day. Home Delivery or Self Pickup: You can use only delivery or only pickup but we have an option that if you want you can give customers the opportunity that he can select what he wants. If he wants home delivery than he has to enter the delivery date and delivery time. And if he wants self pickup than he has to enter the pickup date and from where he picks up his ordered products. WooCommerce shipping methods are automatically changed based on your selection. Also the plugin Dynamically Enable/Disable Delivery/Pickup Based on WooCommerce Shipping. Hide Plugin Module For Specific Shipping Method: If your website is giving shipping via local courier or postal service then you may want to hide the plugin module because there is no time frame when the product arrive to your customer via local courier or postal service. Custom Delivery/Pickup Timeslot: You can make a custom delivery/pickup timeslot as you want. For an example, you can make 2 timeslots like 2:00PM – 4:00PM and 6:00PM – 7:00PM. Also you can control in which weekdays the timeslot appears. You can also disable a timeslot for a specific product/category, your woocommerce shipping zone/state/postcode. Also you can control a timeslot’s maximum delivery/pickup, time slot fee, disable timeslot for the current day, disable timeslot at a specific time, or enable timeslot only for specific dates etc. Time slot with single time: You can also make a timeslot with single time along with a time range. One Tab To Control All Deliveries: The plugin has an advanced Delivery Reports tab from where you can control all of your deliveries includes showing billing address, shipping address, ordered product details, etc. Also, you can make an order completed or delivered. You don’t need to take hassle because orders are sorted in ascending order automatically based on delivery date and time in Delivery Reports. Report of Product Quantity: It’s a useful feature for those how need to know how much product quantity he needs to prepare for delivery or pickup for a specific day. Delivery Reports As Excel Sheet(xlsx format): You can now download the delivery reports as an excel sheet. You get all the necessary information like order id, order status, delivery details, delivery status, billing address, shipping address, order details, order total, customer note, etc. Ability to Sort Order By Delivery Details in WooCommerce Orders Page: You can now sort your orders on the woocommerce orders listing page by delivery details. Delivery Calendar: This is the most exciting feature of this plugin. You can now see the delivery/pickup order in a calendar view. Also, you can also see the product quantity in the calendar view. Sync to Google Calendar: You can add the order information to your Google calendar as an event when an order is placed and the process is automated. You don’t have to do anything except the settings. You can also give the opportunity to your customer to add his placed order information to his Google calendar also. Delivery Tips Option: Now you can give an option of delivery tips for the delivery boys to your customer. You can either set a predefined tips dropdown value or a input field where the customer put any amount as tips. Restrict Delivery Option Based on Cart Amount: Now you can hide the delivery option until the cart amount reaches a certain amount. Restrict Pickup Option Based on Cart Amount: Now you can hide the pickup option until the cart amount reaches a certain amount. Restrict Delivery/Pickup Option Based on Category/Product: Now you can hide the delivery or pickup option if the cart has a specific category’s product or a specific product. Restrict Free Shipping Based on Cart Amount: Now you can hide the free shipping method until the cart amount reaches a certain amount. You can also hide/show free shipping only for today or some specific dates or any weekdays. Enable/disable Free Shipping only for current date delivery: Now you can enable/disable the free shipping method for current day delivery. Enable/disable Free Shipping for specific weekday delivery: Now you can enable/disable the free shipping method for specific weekday delivery. Disable Delivery or Pickup for Specific days: If you want you can disable Delivery or Self Pickup for specific days. Individual Pickup Time: You can control your pickup time individually. No more same delivery time and pickup time. Calendar Language: You can select your desired language for the date selection calendar so that your customer select the date more easily. Off Days: This is a highlighted feature of this plugin. You can specify the off-days so the customer can’t select those days for delivery or pickup individually. Advanced Off Days: This is another highlighted feature of this plugin. You can specify the weekdays or weekends for a specific category, product, shipping zone, state, postcode and shipping method. Also, you can set specific date as offdays for any category and shipping zone. Next Month Off for Certain Category: Sometime you need to off all the delivery date’s for the next months for a specific category. Customer can only choose the delivery/pickup date from the current month and for this we have that feature. Next Week Off for Certain Category: Sometime you need to off all the delivery date’s for the next week for a specific category. Customer can only choose the delivery/pickup date from the current week and for this we have that feature. Category wise Specific dates and weekdays Offdays: You can set specific dates or weekdays as offdays for a specific category. The most important thing is, you can set this separately for delivery and pickup. Shipping zone wise Specific dates and weekdays Offdays: You can set specific dates or weekdays as offdays for a shipping zone. The most important thing is, you can set this separately for delivery and pickup. Special Open Days: Sometimes a special day like Christmas is fallen in an weekend but you still want to open this day. For this, we have this feature. Also, you can special open days for a specific category and if you want to open only the special days for a specific category, it is also possible. Store Closing Time: You can give a specific time as store closing time. After the time no one can select the current day. If you want to set further days off after this specific closing time, you can do that also. For example:
  1. Earliest delivery date is tomorrow. Also after 5:00 PM of the current day, want to disable tomorrow. The next available date is the day after tomorrow.
  2. Want to disable the current date as to delivery after 12:00 PM
Laundry Service: The store which has laundry service need both pickup and delivery at a time. You can offer this with our plugin. You can set how much time delay from pickup to delivery if sameday will select for both delivery and pickup. Also you can make any number of day delay from pickup to delivery. Moreover, the delay of day can make categorywise also. Different store closing time for different weekday: You can give a specific time as store closing time for a specific weekday. After the time no one can select the specific day from the calendar. Show/Hide Custom Time Slot for Shipping Zone/State/PostCode: You can hide/show a time slot for specific days, shipping zone, shipping state or postcode. Show/Hide Custom Time Slot based on Cart Products/Categories: You can also show or hide custom timeslot based on cart products and categories. Show/Hide Custom Pickup Slot based on Pickup Location: You can also show or hide custom pickup slot based on pickup location. Processing Days Management: Sometimes, your store has some products that are not delivered instantly. You need some days for processing those products. You can easily handle the situation with this plugin. So you don’t need to worry because our plugin automatically disables days based on your product processing days. You can either specify your processing days by category or product-wise or weekday wise or shipping zone wise. Also, you can exclude specific products or categories from processing days. The most important part is, you can set different processing days for delivery and pickup. Processing Time Management: Sometimes, your store has some products that are not delivered instantly. You need some times for processing those products. You can easily handle the situation with this plugin. So you don’t need to worry because our plugin automatically disables timeslot based on your product processing time. You can either specify your processing time by category or product-wise or weekday wise. Also, you can exclude specific products or categories from processing time. This feature is super useful for restaurants and cafes. The most important part is, you can set different processing time for delivery and pickup. Delivery Fee: Another advanced feature of this plugin is fee management. You can specify a fee for each time slot you made. Also, you can specify a fee for Delivery dates like for same-day delivery, for next day delivery, and other day delivery. Weekday wise Delivery Fee: You can specify a fee for a specific weekday. Delivery Fee/Shipping Method within X Minutes/Hours: Now you can specify a shipping method only for next available x hours/minutes. The shipping methods is only applicable when customers select the special type of timeslot like Express Delivery($x) or Delivery within X hours/ minutes for $x. Also you can give a specific delivery fee for the next X hours/ minutes. Shipping Method for first X days: Now you can specify a shipping method only for next available X days. Pickup Location With Lot of Control: You can specify a pickup location from where your customer takes his order products. You can control how many pickup per location, disable a weekday for a specific pickup location, disable pickup location for specific category or product. You can enable or disable the feature at any time. Hide plugin module based on Category/Product: If you want you can completely hide the plugin module for a specific category or product. Hide Plugin Module For Specific User Role: If you want you can completely hide the plugin module for a specific User role. Additional Field for Special Instructions: Enabling this field will be helpful when any customer wants to provide guidelines about the order. WooCommerce App Support Using Order Note: The plugin adds delivery information in order note. The feature is super handy because the WooCommerce app doesn’t allow any custom information. So if you control your order using the WooCommerce app, you don’t need to worry about Delivery details. Filtering and Bulk Action Functionality on WooCommerce Order page: You can filter your orders according to the delivery/pickup date on the WooCommerce order page. Also, you can complete delivery/pickup completed in bulk from the WooCommerce order page. Other Settings: You can choose where you want to show the date-time field at checkout page for your customer. Also can give access to your shop manager, can change loading animation, background color and a lot of other features.

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Plugin in nulled improperly, it says “it’s activated” but it keeps back to the screen with this message and menu and other plugin options are not available
Monday, Aug 28th

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How to download Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce Pro 1.4.50

How to install Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce Pro 1.4.50

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside