Pro Items
Developer: Areama
Version: 3.0.0 report oudated
Updated: 25 December 2024
File status: Original
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contact us allinone button 3.0.0 with callback request feature

“Contact us all-in-one button” displays on every page of your site and provide as many contact methods as you whant.... read more
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Contact us all-in-one button” displays on every page of your site and provide as many contact methods as you whant. You can choose what of contact methods will be displayed on desktop and mobile versions of your site separately. Also that way you can set one link for desktop version and another for mobile. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, live chat, Twilio, Intercom, Zendesk help desk chat, Call Me Back, Crisp, VK chat, Skype, Slack, Viber, Telegram, Email, WeChat, and more social communication support channels all in one message module!


  • Button customization – customize button position, color, size, icon, label
  • Menu customization – customize menu size, menu background and text color
  • Menu items – choose items you whant, add/edit/remove menu items
  • Menu items visibility – choose what items will be displayed on desktop and mobile devices separately
  • Custom javascript handler – you can write custom javascript item hadler to integrate widget with live-chat widgets etc…
  • Live chat integrations – you can use this functionality to integrate with one or few live chats such as FaceBook Customer Chat,, Zendesk chat etc… (please see full list below)
  • Customize prompt messages – add/edit/remove prompt messages
  • Callback request – customer can easily request a call-back to his/her phone number
  • Email – when visitor request a callback you will receive an email
  • Twilio integration – you can use Twilio integration to receive SMS when visitor request a callback
  • Telegram chatbot – you can create and integrate Telegram chatbot to receive Telegram message when visitor request a callback
  • Callback requests in admin panel – you can manage all callback requests in admin panel (please see screenshots)
  • Google reCaptcha V3 integration – prevent bots to send call-back request via invisible Google reCaptcha V3 (please see screenshots)
  • Countdown timer – display countdown timer when customer request a call-back
  • Theme color – customize button color (please see screenshots)
  • Hashtag commands – you can use simple link with hashtag href to send some commands (open menu, close menu, open call back popup etc…) to widget. Please see documentation for details.

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How to download contact us allinone button 3.0.0 with callback request feature

How to install contact us allinone button 3.0.0 with callback request feature

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside