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Developer: Jerome Bruandet & NinTechNet Limited
Version: 1.7.1 report oudated
Updated: 27 September 2024
File status: Activated. No extra steps are needed.
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Code Profiler Pro 1.7.1 Wordpress Performance Plugin

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Code Profiler helps you to measure the performance of your plugins and themes at the PHP level and to quickly find any potential problem in your WordPress installation. You can profile the frontend and backend of WordPress, a custom URL, or even send a POST payload and custom cookies to profile a contact form, a checkout process or an AJAX action among many other possibilities. It generates an extremely detailed and easy to read analysis in the form of charts and tables that shows not only which plugin or theme, but also which PHP script, class, method and function is slowing down your website. It displays many useful additional information such as database queries, file I/O operations and disk I/O usage as well. It makes it very simple to locate any bottleneck problem in your themes or plugins in order to solve it and speed up your website. Install, activate it and you can start profiling your site right away.


  • Plugins & themes performance profiling.
  • [Pro] Scripts performance profiling.
  • [Pro] Methods & functions performance profiling.
  • [Pro] Database queries performance.
  • [Pro] File I/O operations monitoring.
  • File I/O statistics.
  • Disk I/O monitoring.
  • WP-CLI integration.
  • Export charts in PNG image format.
  • GET/POST methods, custom cookies.
  • [Pro] Export all tables and charts in CSV file format.
  • [Pro] Filtering options

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How to download Code Profiler Pro 1.7.1 Wordpress Performance Plugin

How to install Code Profiler Pro 1.7.1 Wordpress Performance Plugin

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside