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Developer: qriouslad
Version: 7.8.3 report oudated
Updated: 24 March 2025
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Admin and Site Enhancements Pro 7.8.3 Wordpress Plugin

Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) helps you to easily enhance various admin workflows and site aspects while replacing multiple plugins... read more
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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) helps you to easily enhance various admin workflows and site aspects while replacing multiple plugins doing it.

Content Management

  • [Pro] Custom Content Types. Conveniently register and edit custom post types and custom taxonomies without writing a single line of code. Optionally enable the creation of custom field groups that integrates with Oxygen abd Bricks builder, with more page builder integration planned.
  • Content Duplication. Enable one-click duplication of pages, posts and custom posts. The corresponding taxonomy terms and post meta will also be duplicated.
  • Content Order. Enable custom ordering of various “hierarchical” content types or those supporting “page attributes”. Useful for displaying them in the desired order in wp-admin and on the frontend. ASE Pro enables toggling taxonomy terms and / or excerpt on the ordering page.
  • [Pro] Terms Order. Enable custom ordering of terms from various “hierarchical” taxonomies. Useful for displaying them in the desired order in wp-admin and on the frontend.
  • [Pro] Media Categories. Add categories for the media library and enable drag-and-drop categorization of media items. Categories can then be used to filter media items during media insertion into content.
  • Media Replacement. Easily replace any type of media file with a new one while retaining the existing media ID, publish date and file name. So, no existing links will break. ASE Pro allows replacing media from the grid view of media library as well.
  • Media Library Infinite Scrolling. Re-enable infinite scrolling in the grid view of the media library. Useful for scrolling through a large library.
  • SVG Upload. Allow some or all user roles to upload SVG files, which will then be sanitized to keep things secure.
  • [Pro] AVIF Upload. Enable uploading AVIF files in the Media Library.
  • External Permalinks. Enable pages, posts and/or custom post types to have permalinks that point to external URLs. The rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow” attribute will also be added for enhanced security and SEO benefits. Compatible with links added using Page Links To.
  • Open All External Links in New Tab. Force all links to external sites to open in new browser tab via target=”_blank” attribute. The rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow” attribute will also be added for enhanced security and SEO benefits.
  • Allow Custom Navigation Menu Items to Open in New Tab. Allow custom navigation menu items to have links that open in new browser tab via target=”_blank” attribute. The rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow” attribute will also be added for enhanced security and SEO benefits.
  • Auto-Publish Posts with Missed Schedule. Trigger publishing of scheduled posts of all types marked with “missed schedule”, anytime the site is visited.

Admin Interface

  • Clean Up Admin Bar. Remove various elements from the admin bar. ASE Pro removal of admin bar items from other plugins.
    • Remove WordPress logo/menu
    • Remove customize menu/link
    • Remove updates counter/link
    • Remove comments counter/link
    • Remove new content menu
    • Remove ‘Howdy’ text
    • Remove the Help tab and drawer
  • Hide Admin Notices. Clean up admin pages by moving notices into a separate panel easily accessible via the admin bar. ASE Pro adds the option to also hide notices for non-admins.
  • Disable Dashboard Widgets. Clean up and speed up the dashboard by completely disabling some or all widgets. Disabled widgets won’t load any assets nor show up under Screen Options.
  • Hide Admin Bar. Hide admin bar on the frontend for all or some user roles. ASE Pro also allows hiding the admin bar on the backend for all or some user roles.
  • Wider Admin Menu. Give the admin menu more room to better accommodate wider items.
  • Admin Menu Editor / Organizer. Customize the order of the admin menu and optionally change menu item title or hide some items. ASE Pro enables always hiding menu items for some or all user roles and reorder submenu items.
  • [Pro] Admin Columns Manager. Manage and organize columns in the admin listing for pages, posts and custom post types. Currently supports ASE, ACF and Meta Box custom fields.
  • Enhance List Tables. Improve the usefulness of listing pages of various post types by adding / removing columns and elements.
    • Show the featured image column: in the list tables for pages and post types that support featured images.
    • Show the excerpt column: in the list tables for pages and post types that support excerpt.
    • Show the ID as a column or in the action rows: in the list tables for pages, all post types, all taxonomies, media, users and comments.
    • Show custom taxonomy dropdown filter(s): on the list tables of all post types for taxonomies that are hierarchical like post categories.
    • Remove the comments column: in in the list tables for pages, post types that support comments, and also media/attachments.
    • Remove the post tags column: in the list table for posts.
  • Display Active Plugins First: Display active / activated plugins at the top of the Installed Plugins list.

Log In / Log Out

  • Change Login URL. Make the login URL more memorable and secure by customizing it. ASE Pro adds compatibility with login process during WooCommerce checkout.
  • Site Identity on Login Page. Use the site icon and URL to replace the default WordPress logo with link to on the login page.
  • Log In/Out Menu. Enable log in, log out and dynamic log in/out menu item for addition to any menu.
  • Last Login Column. Log when users on the site last logged in and display the date and time in the users list table.
  • Redirect After Login / Logout. Set custom redirect URL for all or some user roles after login / logout.

Custom Code

  • [Pro] Code Snippets Manager. Conveniently add and manage CSS, JS, HTML and PHP code snippets to modify your site’s content, design, behaviour and functionalities
  • Custom Admin CSS. Add custom CSS on all admin pages for all user roles.
  • Custom Frontend CSS. Add custom CSS on all frontend pages for all user roles.
  • Insert <head>, <body> and <footer> Code. Easily insert <meta>, <link>, <script> and <style> tags, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, AdSense, Ads Conversion and Optimize code, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter pixels, etc.
  • Custom Body Class. Add custom <body> class(es) on the singular view of some or all public post types. Compatible with classes already added using Custom Body Class plugin.
  • Manage ads.txt and app-ads.txt. Easily edit and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt content.
  • Manage robots.txt. Easily edit and validate your robots.txt content.

Disable Components

  • Disable Gutenberg. Disable the Gutenberg block editor for some or all applicable post types. Optionally disable frontend block styles / CSS files for the selected post types.
  • Disable Block-Based Widgets Settings Screen. Restores the classic widgets settings screen when using a classic (non-block) theme.
  • Disable Comments. Disable comments for some or all public post types. When disabled, existing comments will also be hidden on the frontend.
  • Disable REST API. Disable REST API access for non-authenticated users and remove URL traces from <head>, HTTP headers and WP RSD endpoint.
  • Disable Feeds. Disable all RSS, Atom and RDF feeds. This includes feeds for posts, categories, tags, comments, authors and search. Also removes traces of feed URLs from <head>.
  • Disable All Updates. Completely disable core, theme and plugin updates and auto-updates. Will also disable update checks, notices and emails.
  • Disable Smaller Components. Prevent smaller components from running or loading. Make the site more secure, load slightly faster and be more optimized for crawling by search engines.
    • Disable the generator <meta> tag in <head>, which discloses the WordPress version number. Older versions(s) might contain unpatched security loophole(s).
    • Disable version number on static resource URLs referenced in <head>, which can disclose WordPress version number. Older versions(s) might contain unpatched security loophole(s).
    • Disable the Windows Live Writer (WLW) manifest <link> tag in <head>. The WLW app was discontinued in 2017.
    • Disable the Really Simple Discovery (RSD) <link> tag in <head>. It’s not needed if your site is not using pingback or remote (XML-RPC) client to manage posts.
    • Disable the default WordPress shortlink <link> tag in <head>. Ignored by search engines and has minimal practical use case. Usually, a dedicated shortlink plugin or service is preferred that allows for nice names in the short links and tracking of clicks when sharing the link on social media.
    • Disable loading of dashicons CSS and JS files on the front-end for public site visitors.
    • Disable emoji support for pages, posts and custom post types on the admin and frontend. The support is primarily useful for older browsers that do not have native support for it. Most modern browsers across different OSes and devices now have native support for it.
    • Disable jQuery Migrate script on the frontend, which should no longer be needed if your site uses modern theme and plugins.


  • Limit Login Attempts. Prevent brute force attacks by limiting the number of failed login attempts allowed per IP address. ASE Pro adds IP whitelisting, which is also useful to unblock users.
  • Obfuscate Author Slugs. Obfuscate publicly exposed author page URLs that shows the user slugs / usernames, e.g. into, and output 404 errors for the original URLs. Also obfuscates in /wp-json/wp/v2/users/ REST API endpoint.
  • Email Address Obfuscator. Obfuscate email address to prevent spam bots from harvesting them, but make it readable like a regular email address for human visitors. ASE Pro enables shortcode option to output the email address as a mailto: link and also adds an option to auto-obfuscate email addresses found in post content.
  • Disable XML-RPC. Protect your site from brute force, DOS and DDOS attacks via XML-RPC. Also disables trackbacks and pingbacks.


  • Image Upload Control. Resize newly uploaded, large images to a smaller dimension and delete originally uploaded files. BMPs and non-transparent PNGs will be converted to JPGs and resized. ASE Pro enables conversion to WebP instead of JPG and allow you to set custom conversion quality.
  • Revisions Control. Prevent bloating the database by limiting the number of revisions to keep for some or all post types supporting revisions.
  • Heartbeat Control. Modify the interval of the WordPress heartbeat API or disable it on admin pages, post creation/edit screens and/or the frontend. This will help reduce CPU load on the server.


  • Email Delivery. Set custom sender name and email. Optionally use external SMTP service to ensure notification and transactional emails from your site are being delivered to inboxes. Send a test email to check if configuration works as intended.
  • [Pro] Local User Avatar. Enable usage of any image from WordPress Media Library as user avatars.
  • Multiple User Roles. Enable assignment of multiple roles during user account creation and editing. This maybe useful for working with roles not defined in WordPress core, e.g. from e-commerce or LMS plugins.
  • Image Sizes Panel. Display a panel showing and linking to all available sizes when viewing an image in the media library. Especially useful to quickly get the URL of a particular image size. ASE Pro adds a convenient button to copy the image URL on click.
  • View Admin as Role. View admin pages and the site (logged-in) as one of the non-administrator user roles.
  • Password Protection. Password-protect the entire site to hide the content from public view and search engine bots / crawlers. Logged-in administrators can still access the site as usual. ASE Pro adds IP whitelisting and bypassing via URL parameter.
  • Maintenance Mode. Show a customizable maintenance page on the frontend while performing a brief maintenance to your site. Logged-in administrators can still view the site as usual. ASE Pro adds option to use an image or a solid color as the background of the maintenance page.
  • Redirect 404 to Homepage. Perform 301 (permanent) redirect to the homepage for all 404 (not found) pages.
  • Display System Summary. Show quick summary of the system the site is running on to admins, in the “At a Glance” dashboard widget. This includes the web server software, the PHP version, and the database software.
  • Search Engines Visibility Status. Show admin bar status and admin notice when search engines are set to be discouraged from indexing the site.This is set through a “Search engine visibility” checkbox in Settings >> Reading.
Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) will include more enhancements, tweaks and useful features in future versions. Please give feedback on must-have plugins or code snippets you enable on sites that you manage, and the functionalities will be considered for inclusion as well.

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How to download Admin and Site Enhancements Pro 7.8.3 Wordpress Plugin

How to install Admin and Site Enhancements Pro 7.8.3 Wordpress Plugin

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside