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User Requests

These are public requests that are submitted by our users. Feel free to comment and help out each other.
WooCommerce Report Plugin
WooCommerce Reporting Plugin
Item requestMar 14, 06:00 PMMar 21, 08:10 PMProcessing
Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce Pro
The plugin is asking for activation and cannot be used unless you provide it
Item supportMar 14, 03:07 PMMar 14, 03:07 PMPending
Core Framework Bricks Builder Addon
Item requestMar 14, 12:05 AMMar 14, 09:04 AMProcessing
My accounts says expired but you took money on the 7th March
Please could you check my account please. Kind Regards Darrell
Account & ordersMar 11, 11:47 PMMar 14, 08:35 PMResolved
WP Travel Engine Pro
Please add this to your site with the addons included https://wptravelengine.com/pricing/
Item requestMar 10, 05:41 PMMar 19, 05:37 PMProcessing
Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium
No option is available.
Item supportMar 10, 01:48 PMMar 19, 05:37 PMProcessing
Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium
No YITH plugins are downloading.
Item supportMar 10, 01:47 PMMar 19, 05:37 PMProcessing
Please add LearnDash Multi Question Categories by WooNinjas
Hello, Thank you for helping to save costs. Could you please add this plugin, LearnDash Multi Que...
Item requestMar 8, 04:04 AMMar 8, 04:04 AMPending
Broadcast Premium pack
This plugin has not been updated in a while. Please upload the new version. Your version is 50.4....
Item supportMar 7, 01:18 AMMar 14, 08:58 AMResolved
Theme request
Hi, can you add this theme ? https://themeforest.net/item/moderno-fashion-furniture-store-woocomm...
Item requestMar 6, 05:15 PMMar 14, 08:57 AMResolved
This page is so cute in a way that makes me happy.
Your page is so cool and cute and above all, smart. Even the invoice has this funny cute thing. I...
Item requestMar 5, 12:00 PMMar 14, 08:52 AMProcessing
Uncanny Automator Pro
Hi – when trying to connect my Google account to use the Google Sheets integration and sele...
Item supportMar 1, 08:03 AMMar 3, 01:26 PMProcessing
WP Mail SMTP Pro
WP mail SMTP pro There is no download option available.
Item supportFeb 28, 05:23 PMMar 3, 01:31 PMResolved
Yith Woocommerce Subscription Premium
YITH WooCommerce Subscription Premium There is no download option available.
Item supportFeb 28, 05:05 PMMar 3, 01:31 PMResolved
Yith Woocommerce Subscription Premium
YITH WooCommerce Subscription Premium There is no download option available.
Item supportFeb 28, 05:05 PMMar 3, 01:33 PMResolved
Sober – Woocommerce Wordpress Theme
When downloaded and uploading, the version as listed is supposed to be 3.5.3, but its still 3.5.2
Item supportFeb 28, 02:51 AMMar 3, 01:34 PMResolved
Yith Woocommerce Affiliates Premium
hi, i found a problem with some file that seems to related to old version 3.0.5. In particular in...
Item supportFeb 27, 07:12 PMMar 14, 09:10 AMResolved
Please Update
1. Auto Featured Image 2. Blog2Social
Item requestFeb 27, 11:26 AMFeb 27, 11:26 AMPending
Latest version of WooCommerce advanced shipping
Please provide latest version of the plugin WooCommerce advanced shipping Thank You
Item requestFeb 19, 10:41 AMFeb 19, 10:41 AMPending
Latest Version of YITH WooCommerce save for later premium
Can you please provide latest version of the plugin:: YITH WooCommerce save for later premium
Item requestFeb 18, 08:20 PMFeb 18, 08:20 PMPending