Credit reset system to be changed

Since the beginning of the platform, we’ve considered every items you’ve downloaded in the past as purchased items. Which means when you download it again at any later time, the credits won’t decrease. But from now on, if you download the same item again after 24 hours or less, depending on your timezone, the credits will be reduced by 1 every time.

Your current subscription’s limit is unchanged, which equals:

  • Lite subscribers: 30 credits every 14 days
  • Pro subscribers: 75 credits every month
  • Geek subscribers: 75 credits every month
  • Lifetime Geek members: 90 credits every month

Except lifetime members, we suggest that you cancel your current subscriptions, when they’re expired, and subscribe for new ones, which have 2x-4x as many credits as before:

  • Lite subscriptions: 5 credits per day in 14 days (total 70 credits vs 30)
  • Pro subscriptions: 15 credits per day (total 450 monthly credits vs 75)
  • Geek subscriptions: 20 credits per day (total 600 monthly credits vs 75)
  • Geek lifetime memberships: 20 credits per day forever (total 600 monthly credits vs 90)

Please refer more on our pricing page.

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4 custom comment(s)
Ali Khansari says:
April 12, 2024 at 12:30 am

I think I've paid the same amount for lifetime, why wouldn't I be eligible for 600 credits?

Ioanniss says:
May 2, 2024 at 10:16 pm

When I purchased the lifetime subscription, it included unlimited monthly downloads. While I may not need 90 credits each month, the introduction of this cap feels like a reduction in the value of my subscription.

Josen Ruiseco says:
July 10, 2024 at 5:53 pm

I agree... we need to be grandfathered into our lifetime unlimited plans that we paid for. Why are you trying to hurt your faithful customers who bought into your best program when it was offered? This is not good!

Ian Delathin says:
July 11, 2024 at 9:57 am

Hi all,
The old lifetime purchasers will be automatically upgraded to new daily limit credit system.
Thanks all.

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