Pro Items
Developer: Master Addons
Version: report oudated
Updated: 02 October 2024
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master addons pro for elementor

Master Addons is a collection of Stunning and cutting edged designed Elementor Addons Pack. Have you been looking for the... read more
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Master Addons is a collection of Stunning and cutting edged designed Elementor Addons Pack. Have you been looking for the perfect addons for Elementor that can help you make a creative looking website? Well, you don’t have to look too far. With Master Addons for Elementor, you get a wide range of elements that make your ordinary-looking website into something interactive, visually appealing and a lot more reader-friendly. Master Addons comes with some necessary widget, which helps your webpage to bring life. It’s easy to enable and disable any widget from the plugin add-ons section. If you enable your necessary widget, then it will load the exact script of each widget. It will make your website faster. Make sure you have installed Elementor Page builder plugin. Otherwise, it will not work. We are working on its Development every day and trying to cover the essential widgets. Every Addons has Extensive Customization Options. To use Master Addons you will have to activate Elementor plugin in your WordPress first. Here is the Download link for Elementor WordPress Plugin.


  1. Header, Footer & Comment Form Builder
  2. Custom Breakpoint For Elementor
  3. Mega Menu Builder
  4. Display Conditions
  5. Entrance Animation
  6. Gallery Slider
  7. Image Hover Effects
  8. Toggle Content
  9. Custom CSS & Custom JS
  10. MA Duplicator – Duplicate all kind of Posts/Pages/Custom Posts
  11. Positioning
  12. Transforms
  13. Container Extras
  14. Domain Checker
  15. Restrict Content (Age Gate, Match Captcha, User Role & Password)
  16. Rich Template Library ( 100+ Pre-built Designed Landing Pages/Sections/Header/Footers )


  1. Animated Headlines
  2. Dual Heading
  3. Advanced Accordion
  4. Tabs
  5. Progressbar
  6. Progressbars
  7. Tooltips
  8. Flip Box
  9. Info Box
  10. Team Members
  11. Team Members Slider
  12. Call to Action
  13. Creative Buttons
  14. Changelog
  15. Creative Links
  16. Image Hover Effects
  17. Blog
  18. Business Hours
  19. Table of Contents
  20. Image Gallery
  21. Pricing Table
  22. Timeline
  23. Image Comparison
  24. Current Time
  25. Dynamic Table
  26. Nav Menu
  27. Search Element
  28. Blockquote
  29. Counter Up
  30. Countdown Timer
  31. Mailchimp
  32. Gradient Headlines
  33. Advanced Image


  1. News Ticker
  2. Image Hotspot
  3. Restrict Content
  4. Domain Search
  5. Toggle Content
  6. Animated Headlines – Unlock 6 More Animation
  7. Advanced Nested Accordion – Able to set saved Section, content, Page template in Accordion
  8. Nested & Tabular Tabs – Unlock Saved Section, Content, Page template as content & Tabular content Style Preset
  9. Creative Buttons – Get 15 More Button effect
  10. Creative Links – 12 More Creative Link Style Effect
  11. Team Members – Unlock Content Drawer, Animation Background & more possibilities.
  12. Flipbox – Unlock 16 Animation Style & 2 Design Variation
  13. Image Hover Effects Unlock 22 hover effects, Border Radius, Popup and more.
  14. Domain Checker
  15. Toggle Content
  16. Gallery Slider
  17. Comparison Table
  18. Featured Product


  1. Contact Forms 7
  2. Ninja Forms
  3. WP Forms
  4. Caldera Forms
  5. weForms
  6. Gravity Forms (Pro Element)
We’ve 20 Extensions, 12 are free and rest others are for pro user only.


  1. Particles Background
  2. Background Slider
  3. Custom Breakpoints
  4. Custom CSS
  5. Custom JS
  6. Reading Progress Bar
  7. Mega Menu
  8. Positioning
  9. Container Extras
  10. Dynamic Tags
  11. Wrapper Link
  12. Post/Page Duplicator


  1. Animated Gradient Background
  2. Custom Breakpoints – Unlock Unlimited Breakpoints + import export options
  3. Reveal
  4. Rellax
  5. Transforms
  6. Entrance Animation
  7. Floating Effects
  8. Display Conditions

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How to download master addons pro for elementor

How to install master addons pro for elementor

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside

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