Pro Items
Developer: Crocoblock
Version: 1.0.2 report oudated
Updated: 07 December 2021
File status: Original
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JetFormBuilder schedule forms addon 1.0.2

A supplementary plugin that lets you set the form availability time frame. read more
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Other items in collection

A lightweight addon to control the overall number of form submissions and those per user.
A tweak to auto-fill the values dynamically in the Select field type.
An extra plugin to integrate Gutenberg-built forms and WooCommerce checkout.
A post-submit action addon allowing users to log in by the provided email/login & password.
A dynamic addon that suggests up to 5 places in order to auto-fill the Address field.
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Schedule Forms Use Cases

Homework submission form

Teaching/tutoring online? You can set up a deadline for students’ assignments to be submitted.

Surveys & polls

Launching a new line/feature/product, a survey form is what you need to collect feedback on short notice.

Job application form

Host a virtual job fair – offer summer jobs to students by limiting the dates they can apply.

Voting forms for contests

Create a time-limited voting form by setting the From-To dates.

Sweepstakes and giveaways

Application forms are time-sensitive, especially when speaking about giveaways and sweepstakes.

Event registration form

Let the potential attendees know when the registration starts and finishes and accept only those who squeezed in.

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How to download JetFormBuilder schedule forms addon 1.0.2

How to install JetFormBuilder schedule forms addon 1.0.2

After click Download button above, you’ll get Normally, you have to unzip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside, e.g there is only one folder inside

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