Facebook Feed Widget – Wordpress Facebook Plugin
Pro Items
Developer: Elfsight
Version: 1.15.0 report oudated
Updated: 28 October 2020
File status: Original
File name: codecanyon-facebook-feed-widget-wordpress-facebook-plugin-1.15.0.zip

facebook feed widget 1.15.0 Wordpress Facebook Plugin

The Elfsight Team is proud to present its latest product – the WordPress Facebook plugin – Free Facebook Feed. Lots of... read more
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The Elfsight Team is proud to present its latest product – the WordPress Facebook plugin – Free Facebook Feed. Lots of our customers have been asking for it for a long time, and it’s finally here. Facebook Feed Widget WordPress Plugin is a simple and powerful tool to embed Facebook on your website in an easy and seamless way.

Facebook Feed Widget WordPress Plugin Features

  • Works with any Facebook page or group.
  • Allows to redirect to your featured Facebook page.
  • Supports all main types of Facebook content – posts, photos, albums, videos, events.
  • Load More button to let you view all the content in the Feed.
  • A widget screen for each album that displays its name, description, number of photos, last update time and the album photos.
  • Viewing the photos as a feed or in an album.
  • Set the widget size any way you like – make it fit your screen full size, or install it in a specific area of your website.
  • Fully responsive and adaptable content perfect for any mobile device.
  • Adaptable height – set up a scrollable fixed-size widget, or make it stretch as your feed grows longer.
  • Widget header displays the main information on your Facebook page or group – cover, picture, name, number of likes and the verified label, when applicable.
  • Fully customizable header – hide the information you don’t need, or disable the header altogether.

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How to download facebook feed widget 1.15.0 Wordpress Facebook Plugin

How to install facebook feed widget 1.15.0 Wordpress Facebook Plugin

After click Download button above, you’ll get automatorwp-newsletter-1.0.6.zip. Normally, you have to unzip automatorwp-newsletter-1.0.6.zip, then find the installable sub-zip to upload to your server or your Wordpress admin area. But there are times you don’t have to do that if there is no sub-zip files inside automatorwp-newsletter-1.0.6.zip, e.g there is only one folder inside automatorwp-newsletter-1.0.6.zip.